Informe Jurídico sobre la Resolución 191-2022/SDCINDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El análisis de las piezas publicitarias es constante en la actividad del INDECOPI y a
manera que se va desarrollando la casuística suscitada en nuestro país, la autoridad
que analiza y reprime los actos que van en contra de la leal competencia en el mercado
va consolidando su metodología. Así, el presente trabajo pretende analizar el caso
suscitado a razón del cuestionamiento de la publicidad en empaque del producto Cubito
Maggi Carne, desde un enfoque del análisis del mensaje publicitario, debido a que no
fue materia de controversia la verdadera naturaleza del producto, no se cuestionó si
tenía o no carne como insumo formante porque de los ingredientes de dicho producto,
claramente, se desprendía de que no tenía carne. En este caso se discutió la
delimitación del mensaje publicitario, así el presente informe recaído sobre la Resolución
191-2022/SDC-INDECOPI emitida por la Sala Especializada en Defensa de la
Competencia, tiene como objetivo brindar mayores herramientas de análisis de las
piezas publicitarias, generando un enfoque en la categoría desarrollada a lo largo de
diversos pronunciamientos del INDECOPI, específicamente nos avocamos a la
experiencia del consumidor y el contexto de mercado, categorías sobre las cuales
pretendemos efectuar una contribución académica. Finalmente, se busca abordar parte
de la discusión correspondiente a los alcances de la denominación del producto y su
incorporación como parte del análisis del mensaje publicitario
The analysis of advertising pieces is constant in the activity of INDECOPI and as the casuistry in our country develops, the authority that analyzes and represses acts that go against fair competition in the market is consolidating its line of analysis. Thus, the present work intends to analyze the case raised due to the questioning of the advertising on the packaging of the Cubito Maggi Carne product, from an approach of the analysis of the advertising message, because the true nature of the product was not a matter of controversy, it was not questioned whether or not it had meat as a component input because it was clear from the ingredients of said product that it did not have meat. In this case, the delimitation of the advertising message was discussed, thus the present report on Resolution 191-2022/SDC-INDECOPI issued by the Specialized Chamber for the Defense of Competition, aims to provide greater analysis tools for advertising pieces, generating a focus on the category developed throughout various INDECOPI pronouncements, specifically we focus on the consumer experience and the market context, categories on which we intend to make an academic contribution. Finally, it seeks to address part of the discussion corresponding to the scope of the product name and its incorporation as part of the analysis of the advertising message
The analysis of advertising pieces is constant in the activity of INDECOPI and as the casuistry in our country develops, the authority that analyzes and represses acts that go against fair competition in the market is consolidating its line of analysis. Thus, the present work intends to analyze the case raised due to the questioning of the advertising on the packaging of the Cubito Maggi Carne product, from an approach of the analysis of the advertising message, because the true nature of the product was not a matter of controversy, it was not questioned whether or not it had meat as a component input because it was clear from the ingredients of said product that it did not have meat. In this case, the delimitation of the advertising message was discussed, thus the present report on Resolution 191-2022/SDC-INDECOPI issued by the Specialized Chamber for the Defense of Competition, aims to provide greater analysis tools for advertising pieces, generating a focus on the category developed throughout various INDECOPI pronouncements, specifically we focus on the consumer experience and the market context, categories on which we intend to make an academic contribution. Finally, it seeks to address part of the discussion corresponding to the scope of the product name and its incorporation as part of the analysis of the advertising message
Palabras clave
Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual (Perú), Protección del consumidor--Perú--Estudio de casos, Competencia desleal--Perú