La violencia intrafamiliar en preescolar y las intervenciones estatales: un Estado del Arte en países latinoamericanos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente Estado del Arte abarca el tema de la violencia hacia los preescolares en
el entorno intrafamiliar. La violencia hacia la primera infancia es una problemática con
efectos a corto, mediano y largo plazo que necesita ser visibilizada para poder ser
enfrentada. Es así que, como objetivo de este estudio de metodología documental,
está el conocer la situación de los niños de preescolar en Perú, Chile y Colombia en
cuanto a la violencia intrafamiliar y las intervenciones educativas estatales que se han
realizado frente a esta desde el ámbito educativo durante los últimos 10 años. De esta
manera, se desarrollan como puntos principales la situación de los niños de educación
preescolar en cuanto a la violencia intrafamiliar y las intervenciones educativas
estatales para hacerle frente en cuanto a su aprendizaje. En la indagación, se
encontraron importantes aspectos como la disminución de la violencia hacia los
preescolares a través de los años y el desarrollo del marco legal y políticas públicas
en beneficio de la infancia. Sin embargo, también se identificó que la violencia hacia
la primera infancia aún sigue vigente en sus diferentes manifestaciones y se necesitan
mayores esfuerzos de los gobiernos para atenderla a mayor profundidad,
especialmente desde el sector educativo y hacia los niños de este grupo etario. A su
vez, se hizo evidente la necesidad de investigaciones que tomen en cuenta como
objeto de estudio no solo a la niñez en general, sino a la primera infancia, etapa donde
se ubican los preescolares.
The present State of the Art covers the subject of violence towards preschoolers in the intrafamily environment. Violence towards early childhood is a problem with short, medium and long term effects that needs to be visible in order to be confronted. Thus, the objective of this study of documentary methodology is to know the situation of preschool children in Peru, Chile and Colombia in terms of intrafamily violence and the state educational interventions that have been carried out against it from the field education for the past 10 years. In this way, the situation of preschool children in terms of intrafamily violence and the educational interventions to face in terms of their learning is developed as main points. In the investigation, important aspects were found such as the decrease in violence against preschool children over the years and the development of the legal framework and public policies for the benefit of children. However, it was also identified that violence against early childhood is still in force in its different manifestations and greater efforts are needed from governments to address it in greater depth, especially from the educational sector and towards children of this age group. At the same time, the need for research that takes into account not only childhood in general, but also early childhood, the stage where preschoolers are located, became evident.
The present State of the Art covers the subject of violence towards preschoolers in the intrafamily environment. Violence towards early childhood is a problem with short, medium and long term effects that needs to be visible in order to be confronted. Thus, the objective of this study of documentary methodology is to know the situation of preschool children in Peru, Chile and Colombia in terms of intrafamily violence and the state educational interventions that have been carried out against it from the field education for the past 10 years. In this way, the situation of preschool children in terms of intrafamily violence and the educational interventions to face in terms of their learning is developed as main points. In the investigation, important aspects were found such as the decrease in violence against preschool children over the years and the development of the legal framework and public policies for the benefit of children. However, it was also identified that violence against early childhood is still in force in its different manifestations and greater efforts are needed from governments to address it in greater depth, especially from the educational sector and towards children of this age group. At the same time, the need for research that takes into account not only childhood in general, but also early childhood, the stage where preschoolers are located, became evident.
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