Informe Jurídico sobre la Sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional recaída en el Expediente No. 03525-2021-PA/TC
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este informe tiene como finalidad analizar la sentencia emitida por el Tribunal
Constitucional en el Expediente No. 03525-2021-PA/TC, a través de la cual, declara
improcedente la demanda de amparo de Maxco S.A. sobre el inconstitucional cobro de
intereses moratorios por supuestamente existir una vía específica igualmente
satisfactoria para la tutela de la pretensión del accionante; y a su vez, se establece un
precedente vinculante. A tal efecto, evaluaremos las instituciones jurídicas de vía
previa, vía específica, vía igualmente satisfactoria y precedente vinculante; y
aplicaremos el Código Procesal Constitucional y la Ley No. 27584, Ley que Regula el
Proceso Contencioso, con la finalidad de determinar si para el caso concreto el amparo
resultaba ser la vía idónea; o si por el contrario, el accionante debió acudir al proceso
contencioso administrativo como lo ha señalado el Tribunal Constitucional. A su vez,
determinaremos si la regla procesal del precedente vinculante establecida en la
sentencia sublitis es constitucional, o si, por el contrario, vulnera el derecho a la tutela
jurisdiccional efectiva.
This report analyzes the ruling issued by the Constitutional Court in Case N° 03525- 2021-PA/TC, in which it declared the amparo lawsuit filed by Maxco S.A., regarding the unconstitutionality of the collection of late payment interest by the administrative tax entity, inadmissible and issued a substantive and procedural rule in this regard. This report analyzes the Constitutional Court's decision and whether the administrative litigation process was a specific and equally satisfactory remedy for the specific case as the amparo process. For this purpose, the Constitutional Procedural Code and Law N° 27584, Law that Regulates the Contentious-Administrative Process, are applied. Likewise, this report will analyze the constitutionality of the procedural rule established by the Constitutional Court, and whether or not it violates the effective jurisdictional protection of the plaintiffs.
This report analyzes the ruling issued by the Constitutional Court in Case N° 03525- 2021-PA/TC, in which it declared the amparo lawsuit filed by Maxco S.A., regarding the unconstitutionality of the collection of late payment interest by the administrative tax entity, inadmissible and issued a substantive and procedural rule in this regard. This report analyzes the Constitutional Court's decision and whether the administrative litigation process was a specific and equally satisfactory remedy for the specific case as the amparo process. For this purpose, the Constitutional Procedural Code and Law N° 27584, Law that Regulates the Contentious-Administrative Process, are applied. Likewise, this report will analyze the constitutionality of the procedural rule established by the Constitutional Court, and whether or not it violates the effective jurisdictional protection of the plaintiffs.
Palabras clave
Tribunales constitucionales--Perú, Recurso contencioso administrativo--Perú, Recurso de amparo--Perú, Seguridad (Derecho), Precedentes judiciales
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