De lo estático a lo dinámico: concepciones de cultura y sus impactos en la educación
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estado del arte ofrece un análisis de las concepciones más resaltantes
que ha adoptado el término cultura, así como una reflexión sobre los impactos que
han tenido estas concepciones en los procesos educativos. Estas representaciones
del término fueron construidas y desarrolladas por autores provenientes de diferentes
disciplinas, principalmente de la antropología, sociología y psicología. Si bien el
estudio genealógico de las palabras es comúnmente llevado a cabo por la lingüística,
el análisis se desarrolló siguiendo el enfoque de las ciencias sociales, las cuales
ahondan en factores subyacentes a la evolución natural de una lengua. Lo primero
que uno percibe al encontrarse con un sinnúmero de definiciones de cultura es la
complejidad del término y la ausencia de un consenso inclusive en una misma
disciplina. Sin embargo, a medida que el lector observe cómo se construyó una
determinada concepción y de qué manera fue utilizada para cierto contexto,
comprenderá que ésta responde a pensamientos propios de un tiempo y un espacio.
Un factor común que hemos rescatado de toda la literatura consultada fue la
dinamización del término cultura y el rechazo a las primeras concepciones estáticas
del mismo. Con la llegada de la globalización, surge una tendencia que exige ampliar
nuestra perspectiva sobre la dimensión cultural de la realidad, la cual ya no posee
fronteras y se muestra en constante movimiento. Finalmente, se extiende una reflexión
en torno a qué concepciones de cultura están presentes en el ámbito educativo, cómo
se han construido y qué concepción deberíamos adoptar, de manera que responda a
las necesidades educativas del contexto peruano.
The present state of the art offers an analysis of the most outstanding conceptions that the term culture has adopted, as well as a reflection on the impacts that these conceptions have had on educational processes. These representations of the term were constructed and developed by authors from different disciplines, mainly anthropology, sociology and psychology. Although the genealogical study of words is commonly carried out by linguistics, the analysis was developed following the approach of the social sciences, which delve into factors underlying the natural evolution of a language. The first thing that one perceives when encountering countless definitions of culture is the complexity of the term and the absence of a consensus even in the same discipline. However, as the reader observes how a certain conception was constructed and in what way it was used for a certain context, he will understand that it responds to thoughts typical of a time and space. A common factor that we have rescued from all the literature consulted was the dynamization of the term culture and the rejection of the first static conceptions of it. With the arrival of globalization, a trend arises that requires broadening our perspective on the cultural dimension of reality, which no longer has borders and is constantly on the move. Finally, a reflection is extended around what conceptions of culture are present in the educational field, how they have been built and what conception we should adopt, in a way that responds to the educational needs of the Peruvian context.
The present state of the art offers an analysis of the most outstanding conceptions that the term culture has adopted, as well as a reflection on the impacts that these conceptions have had on educational processes. These representations of the term were constructed and developed by authors from different disciplines, mainly anthropology, sociology and psychology. Although the genealogical study of words is commonly carried out by linguistics, the analysis was developed following the approach of the social sciences, which delve into factors underlying the natural evolution of a language. The first thing that one perceives when encountering countless definitions of culture is the complexity of the term and the absence of a consensus even in the same discipline. However, as the reader observes how a certain conception was constructed and in what way it was used for a certain context, he will understand that it responds to thoughts typical of a time and space. A common factor that we have rescued from all the literature consulted was the dynamization of the term culture and the rejection of the first static conceptions of it. With the arrival of globalization, a trend arises that requires broadening our perspective on the cultural dimension of reality, which no longer has borders and is constantly on the move. Finally, a reflection is extended around what conceptions of culture are present in the educational field, how they have been built and what conception we should adopt, in a way that responds to the educational needs of the Peruvian context.
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