Aportes de la educación vial y ambiental para el fomento de la movilidad sostenible en Lima Metropolitana: caso Villa El Salvador
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la presente tesis se aborda el tema de la movilidad urbana sostenible como una alternativa
viable para el caos vehicular que afronta nuestra ciudad, desde diversos aspectos: normativo,
ambiental, pero, sobre todo, educativo, bajo la hipótesis de que la forma de movilizarnos por
la ciudad es un hábito sociocultural, y como tal, puede ser enseñado desde la primera infancia
y reforzado a lo largo de toda la vida. Desde el sector educativo se han realizado incipientes
pero importantes esfuerzos procedentes de la educación vial y ambiental y sus respectivas
políticas. De estas se han se han extraído los instrumentos educativos más exitosos para
elaborar una propuesta metodológica de enseñanza en el aula. Esta ha sido probada en dos
escuelas, una parroquial en el distrito de La Victoria, y otra pública en el distrito de Villa El
Salvador, elegido para validar su aplicación y el aprendizaje de los alumnos a partir de la
práctica. Como parte de la metodología se realizaron talleres y activaciones con la ciudadanía,
debido al potencial del distrito, que cuenta con una sólida red de ciclovías, importantes para
el desarrollo de una cultura ciclista y de movilidad sostenible desde la primera infancia;
además porque se trata de un distrito pujante con líderes vecinales comprometidos con
causas relacionadas al tema de la tesis. De esta manera, se formó una pequeña red para el
trabajo propuesto como piloto en una escuela local con la colaboración de jóvenes voluntarios
y la municipalidad del distrito. Desde el capítulo cinco se estudia el aporte de la educación
ambiental y vial en el desarrollo de la educación para la movilidad sostenible, analizando luego
las experiencias exitosas sobre el tema en nuestro país. El capítulo siete consiste en la
construcción de la propuesta educativa a manera de proyecto piloto aplicado en Villa El
Salvador para demostrar la viabilidad de la premisa.
The present thesis addresses the issue of sustainable urban mobility as a viable alternative to the vehicle chaos facing our city, from various aspects: normative, environmental, but, above all, educational, under the hypothesis that the way we move around the city is a social habit, and as such, can be taught from early childhood and reinforced through life. The education sector has made initial but important efforts in the areas of road and environmental education and their respective policies. From these, the most successful educational tools have been extracted to develop a methodological proposal for teaching in the classroom. This has been tested in two schools, one parish in La Victoria district, and Villa El Salvador district that was chosen like a zone of study and application of the educational propose. The methodology consists in develop workshops and activations by the citizenship, due to the potential of the district, which possesses a solid network of bycicle roads, important for the development of a cycle culture and sustainable mobility from the first infancy; as well as because it is a district with local leaders compromised with reasons related to the topic of the thesis. Hereby, a small network was organized for the work proposed as pilot in a local school with the collaboration of voluntaries and authorities of the district. Since chapter five, we study the contribution of environmental and road education in the development of education for sustainable mobility, and then analyze the successful experiences on the subject in our country. Chapter seven consists in the construction of the educational proposal as a pilot project applied in Villa El Salvador to demonstrate the viability of the premise.
The present thesis addresses the issue of sustainable urban mobility as a viable alternative to the vehicle chaos facing our city, from various aspects: normative, environmental, but, above all, educational, under the hypothesis that the way we move around the city is a social habit, and as such, can be taught from early childhood and reinforced through life. The education sector has made initial but important efforts in the areas of road and environmental education and their respective policies. From these, the most successful educational tools have been extracted to develop a methodological proposal for teaching in the classroom. This has been tested in two schools, one parish in La Victoria district, and Villa El Salvador district that was chosen like a zone of study and application of the educational propose. The methodology consists in develop workshops and activations by the citizenship, due to the potential of the district, which possesses a solid network of bycicle roads, important for the development of a cycle culture and sustainable mobility from the first infancy; as well as because it is a district with local leaders compromised with reasons related to the topic of the thesis. Hereby, a small network was organized for the work proposed as pilot in a local school with the collaboration of voluntaries and authorities of the district. Since chapter five, we study the contribution of environmental and road education in the development of education for sustainable mobility, and then analyze the successful experiences on the subject in our country. Chapter seven consists in the construction of the educational proposal as a pilot project applied in Villa El Salvador to demonstrate the viability of the premise.
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