Las fotografías de Martin Chambi : memoria y reflexiones sobre la identidad puneña
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Según Molano (2006) la identidad cultural encierra un sentido de pertenencia a
un grupo social con el cual se comparten ciertos rasgos culturales como
tradiciones, creencias, etc. Sin embargo, se considera que el termino identidad
no es un concepto fijo, puesto que se transforma tanto de manera individual
como colectiva y se alimenta de aspectos exteriores. Estos garantizan la
formación de una identidad cultural, que funciona además como motor para el
desarrollo de un territorio.
Se debe considerar que este proceso de identificación se encuentra
estrechamente ligado a la formación y conservación de memoria. Como dice De
Zan (2008), la memoria es un elemento constitutivo de la propia identidad;
considera importantes sucesos del pasado, que son relevantes para la
convivencia con el presente y parte importante para planes a futuro.
En el presente trabajo, se busca conocer como la fotografía de Martín Chambi
permite movilizar recuerdos en los ciudadanos puneños y motiva una reflexión
sobre su identidad. Partimos de la idea de que la fotografía desde su concepción
integra la memoria, ya que tiene la capacidad de preservar en el tiempo instantes
y acontecimientos determinados. Las fotografías de Chambi construyen todo un
mundo, su lectura o mirada remite entre otros asuntos, a la cultura puneña.
Tomamos a la fotografía como un vehículo a la memoria. Las fotografías de Puno
escogidas para esta investigación datan de 1920 a 1945 y fueron realizadas por
el fotógrafo puneño Martín Chambi Jiménez. Para alcanzar el objetivo de
investigación: conocer como la fotografía de Martin Chambi permite movilizar
memorias en los ciudadanos puneños y motivar en ellos una reflexión sobre su
identidad, es necesario conocer cómo se desarrolla el trabajo fotográfico de
Chambi en Puno y conocer desde la perspectiva de la relación identidadmemoria,
cómo actúan grupos de la sociedad puneña ante la observación y
análisis de fotografías y establecer que procesos se producen.
Para fines de esta investigación, se utilizó la elicitación fotográfica. Elicitación
es un término psicológico que significa provocar, suscitar u obtener. En la
investigación, aplicamos la elicitación fotográfica en la realización de focus group
y entrevistas, con el fin de generar pensamientos y recuerdos tanto individuales como en grupo. Además, se realizó un análisis fotográfico de contenido y de
forma, el cual nos ayudó a poder entender la propuesta fotográfica de Chambi.
Finalmente, se concluye que las fotografías de Martin Chambi de la región de
Puno, actúan como un icono y representación de la cultura puneña y logran
movilizar recuerdos. Brindan información de la cultura y realidad puneña y en
general actúa como proveedora de mensajes, sirve como un instrumento de
carácter social y forma parte de representaciones, expresiones y percepciones
de realidades individuales y colectivas de los participantes.
Se reconocieron aspectos asociados a problemáticas sociales, ya que se realiza
un contraste de realidades en el tiempo. Da lugar también a recordar datos
históricos de lo que retrata la fotografía, lo que complementa las experiencias
contadas por los participantes. La identidad y la memoria están estrechamente
ligadas, trabajan en equipo, pero dependen mucho del contexto del observador.
La identidad se desarrolla con el paso del tiempo y esta llega a expresarse de
diferentes formas dependiendo de la edad, contexto, formación, crianza, entre
otros. Es por esto que la brecha generacional de los grupos dio lugar a un
contraste importante en la investigación.
According to Molano (2006), cultural identity includes a sense of belonging to a social group with which certain cultural traits such as traditions, beliefs, etc. are shared. However, it is considered that the term identity is not a fixed concept, since it is transformed both individually and collectively and is nourished by external aspects. These ensure the formation of a cultural identity, which also functions as an engine for the development of a territory. It should be considered that this identification process is closely linked to the formation and preservation of memory. As De Zan (2008) says, memory is a constitutive element of one's own identity; it considers important events of the past, which are relevant for coexistence with the present and an important part of future plans. In this paper, we seek to know how Martín Chambi's photograph allows mobilizing memories in Puno's citizens and motivates a reflection on their identity. We start from the idea that photography, from its conception, integrates memory, since it has the capacity to preserve in time certain moments and events. Chambi's photographs build a whole world, their reading or look refers, among other things, to the Puna culture. We take photography as a vehicle to memory. The photographs of Puno chosen for this research date from 1920 to 1945 and were taken by the Puno photographer Martín Chambi Jiménez. In order to achieve the research objective: to know how Martin Chambi's photography allows mobilizing memories in Puno's citizens and motivating them to reflect on their identity, it is necessary to know how Chambi's photographic work is developed in Puno and to know, from the perspective of the identity-memory relationship, how groups of Puno's society act before the observation and analysis of photographs and to establish what processes are produced. For the purposes of this research, photographic elicitation was used. Elicitation is a psychological term that means to provoke, arouse or obtain. In the research, we applied photographic elicitation in conducting focus groups and interviews in order to generate individual and group thoughts and memories. In addition, a photographic analysis of content and form was carried out, which helped us to understand Chambi's photographic proposal. Finally, it is concluded that Martin Chambi's photographs of the Puno region, act as an icon and representation of the Puno culture and manage to mobilize memories. They provide information on the culture and reality of Puno and in general act as a message provider, serve as an instrument of social character and are part of representations, expressions and perceptions of individual and collective realities of the participants. Aspects associated with social problems were recognized, since a contrast of realities over time is made. It also gives rise to remembering historical data of what the photograph portrays, which complements the experiences told by the participants. Identity and memory are closely linked, they work in tandem, but are highly dependent on the context of the observer. Identity develops over time and is expressed in different ways depending on age, context, education, upbringing, among others. This is why the generational gap of the groups gave rise to an important contrast in the research.
According to Molano (2006), cultural identity includes a sense of belonging to a social group with which certain cultural traits such as traditions, beliefs, etc. are shared. However, it is considered that the term identity is not a fixed concept, since it is transformed both individually and collectively and is nourished by external aspects. These ensure the formation of a cultural identity, which also functions as an engine for the development of a territory. It should be considered that this identification process is closely linked to the formation and preservation of memory. As De Zan (2008) says, memory is a constitutive element of one's own identity; it considers important events of the past, which are relevant for coexistence with the present and an important part of future plans. In this paper, we seek to know how Martín Chambi's photograph allows mobilizing memories in Puno's citizens and motivates a reflection on their identity. We start from the idea that photography, from its conception, integrates memory, since it has the capacity to preserve in time certain moments and events. Chambi's photographs build a whole world, their reading or look refers, among other things, to the Puna culture. We take photography as a vehicle to memory. The photographs of Puno chosen for this research date from 1920 to 1945 and were taken by the Puno photographer Martín Chambi Jiménez. In order to achieve the research objective: to know how Martin Chambi's photography allows mobilizing memories in Puno's citizens and motivating them to reflect on their identity, it is necessary to know how Chambi's photographic work is developed in Puno and to know, from the perspective of the identity-memory relationship, how groups of Puno's society act before the observation and analysis of photographs and to establish what processes are produced. For the purposes of this research, photographic elicitation was used. Elicitation is a psychological term that means to provoke, arouse or obtain. In the research, we applied photographic elicitation in conducting focus groups and interviews in order to generate individual and group thoughts and memories. In addition, a photographic analysis of content and form was carried out, which helped us to understand Chambi's photographic proposal. Finally, it is concluded that Martin Chambi's photographs of the Puno region, act as an icon and representation of the Puno culture and manage to mobilize memories. They provide information on the culture and reality of Puno and in general act as a message provider, serve as an instrument of social character and are part of representations, expressions and perceptions of individual and collective realities of the participants. Aspects associated with social problems were recognized, since a contrast of realities over time is made. It also gives rise to remembering historical data of what the photograph portrays, which complements the experiences told by the participants. Identity and memory are closely linked, they work in tandem, but are highly dependent on the context of the observer. Identity develops over time and is expressed in different ways depending on age, context, education, upbringing, among others. This is why the generational gap of the groups gave rise to an important contrast in the research.
Palabras clave
Chambi, Martín, 1891-1973--Crítica e interpretación, Fotografía artística--Perú, Identidad cultural--Perú--Puno
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