Informe Jurídico del Expediente N° 118-2013/ILN-PS0
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente Informe tiene por finalidad analizar la actuación del Banco BCP al compensar los
importes adeudos del señor Andrés Flores sobre su cuenta de ahorros en donde se le depositaba
su pensión. Para resolver la controversia nos sustentamos en el principio pro consumidor
mediante el cual se busca dar una protección especial al consumidor considerada la parte más
vulnerable dentro una relación de consumo. Asimismo, nos enfocaremos en desarrollar los
límites a la autonomía privada establecidos en las normas del derecho civil, límites que no
fueron tomados en consideración por el Banco. De otro lado, se desarrollan conceptos tales
como el contrato de adhesión a partir del cual se hará un análisis de la cláusula de compensación
contenida en el contrato financiero, determinando que se configura como una cláusula abusiva.
Se aborda también el deber de brindar información adecuada a los consumidores, en base al
criterio de asimetría informativa, de conformidad con la idoneidad del servicio y respetando la
garantía legal. Finalmente, se examina la aplicación de la teoría dinámica de la prueba respecto
de los supuestos de hecho manifestados por el señor Andrés Flores que fueron desestimados
por INDECOPI. Todo ello nos llevará a concluir que el Banco no actúo conforme a Derecho,
vulnerando la esfera jurídica del señor Andrés Flores.
The purpose of this report is to analyse the performance of BCP Bank in compensating the amounts owed by Mr Andrés Flores on his savings account where his pension was deposited. To resolve the dispute we rely on the pro consumer principle which seeks to give special protection to the consumer considered the most vulnerable part in a consumer relationship. Likewise we will also focus on developing the limits to private autonomy established in civil law norms, limits that were not taken into consideration by the Bank. On the other hand, concepts such as the adhesion contract are developed from which an analysis of the compensation clause contained in the financial contract will be made, determining that it is configured as unfair clause. It also addresses the duty to provide adequate information to consumers, based on the criterion of information asymmetry, in accordance with the suitability of the service and respecting the legal guarantee. Finally, we examine the application of the dynamic theory of proof with respect to the factual assumptions expressed by Mr Andrés Flores that were dismissed by INDECOPI. All this will lead us to conclude that the Bank did not act in accordance with the law, violating the legal sphere of Mr Andrés Flores.
The purpose of this report is to analyse the performance of BCP Bank in compensating the amounts owed by Mr Andrés Flores on his savings account where his pension was deposited. To resolve the dispute we rely on the pro consumer principle which seeks to give special protection to the consumer considered the most vulnerable part in a consumer relationship. Likewise we will also focus on developing the limits to private autonomy established in civil law norms, limits that were not taken into consideration by the Bank. On the other hand, concepts such as the adhesion contract are developed from which an analysis of the compensation clause contained in the financial contract will be made, determining that it is configured as unfair clause. It also addresses the duty to provide adequate information to consumers, based on the criterion of information asymmetry, in accordance with the suitability of the service and respecting the legal guarantee. Finally, we examine the application of the dynamic theory of proof with respect to the factual assumptions expressed by Mr Andrés Flores that were dismissed by INDECOPI. All this will lead us to conclude that the Bank did not act in accordance with the law, violating the legal sphere of Mr Andrés Flores.
Palabras clave
Protección del consumidor--Legislación--Perú, Derecho bancario--Perú, Sistema financiero--Perú, Autonomía de la voluntad (Derecho), Pensiones--Legislación--Perú, Derecho civil, Derecho administrativo--Perú
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