Informe Académico sobre la Resolución N.º 2758-2019/SPC-INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe persigue el análisis de la Resolución N.º 2758-2019/SPCINDECOPI, respecto al desarrollo realizado por la autoridad en torno a la
determinación de la figura jurídica de la “discriminación en el consumo” respecto
del empleo de cartas diferenciadas como estrategia comercial de fidelización. Al
respecto, la evaluación a realizarse se enfoca en torno a los derechos
presuntamente afectados de las comensales del restaurante como el derecho a
la igualdad, vinculado a la dignidad y prohibición de discriminación, y el derecho
a la información relevante, por lo cual, se cuestiona si el acceso al conocimiento
de los precios realmente se encontró imposibilitado para las comensales, toda
vez que, dentro del escenario de un consumo responsable, se demuestra la
existencia de otras formas o medios para su acceso e, inclusive, dicha situación
podía ser corregida bajo una actuación diligente; asimismo, se destaca la
particularidad de la experiencia de consumo brindada por el restaurante así como
su notoriedad en el sector, motivo por el que, en atención a las actuales
dinámicas comerciales, se plantea la existencia de una presunción razonable
sobre un conocimiento previo en torno a un estándar de precios acerca de los
servicios y productos brindados por el restaurante. Asimismo, se evalúa la
idoneidad y razonabilidad de la multa impuesta, así como de las medidas
correctivas ordenadas. Por lo que, en virtud de lo expuesto, se podrá verificar si
la conducta se encuentra en infracción de la normativa señalada y, con ello, si el
desarrollo de la Sala estuvo debidamente fundamentado.
This report seeks to analyze Resolution N.º 2758-2019/SPC-INDECOPI, regarding the development made by the authority on the determination of the legal figure of "discrimination in consumption" with respect to the use of differentiated menus as a commercial strategy of loyalty. In this regard, the evaluation to be carried out focuses on the allegedly affected rights of the restaurant's diners, such as the right to equality, linked to dignity and prohibition of discrimination, and the right to relevant information, therefore, it is questioned whether the access to knowledge of prices was really impossible for the diners, since within the scenario of responsible consumption, the existence of other ways or means for their access is demonstrated and, even, such situation could be corrected under a diligent action; likewise, the particularity of the consumption experience provided by the restaurant as well as its notoriety in the sector is highlighted, which is why, in view of the current commercial dynamics, the existence of a reasonable presumption of prior knowledge about a price standard regarding the services and products provided by the restaurant is raised. Likewise, the appropriateness and reasonableness of the fine imposed, as well as the corrective measures ordered, are evaluated. Therefore, by virtue of the foregoing, it will be possible to verify whether the conduct is in violation of the aforementioned regulations and, therefore, whether the development of the Tribunal was duly grounded.
This report seeks to analyze Resolution N.º 2758-2019/SPC-INDECOPI, regarding the development made by the authority on the determination of the legal figure of "discrimination in consumption" with respect to the use of differentiated menus as a commercial strategy of loyalty. In this regard, the evaluation to be carried out focuses on the allegedly affected rights of the restaurant's diners, such as the right to equality, linked to dignity and prohibition of discrimination, and the right to relevant information, therefore, it is questioned whether the access to knowledge of prices was really impossible for the diners, since within the scenario of responsible consumption, the existence of other ways or means for their access is demonstrated and, even, such situation could be corrected under a diligent action; likewise, the particularity of the consumption experience provided by the restaurant as well as its notoriety in the sector is highlighted, which is why, in view of the current commercial dynamics, the existence of a reasonable presumption of prior knowledge about a price standard regarding the services and products provided by the restaurant is raised. Likewise, the appropriateness and reasonableness of the fine imposed, as well as the corrective measures ordered, are evaluated. Therefore, by virtue of the foregoing, it will be possible to verify whether the conduct is in violation of the aforementioned regulations and, therefore, whether the development of the Tribunal was duly grounded.
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