Problemas de optimización mediados por el geogebra que movilizan el concepto de derivada de funciones reales de variable real en estudiantes de ingeniería
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Esta investigación tiene como finalidad analizar de qué manera estudiantes de las diferentes
carreras de ingeniería coordinan registros de representación semiótica al resolver problemas
de optimización movilizando el concepto de derivada de funciones reales de variable real. Por
ello se plantea como pregunta de investigación ¿Problemas de optimización en los cuales sea
necesario movilizar el concepto de derivada de funciones reales de variable real favorecen la
coordinación entre los diferentes registros de representación semiótica en estudiantes de
ingeniería? Para este estudio se toma como marco teórico la Teoría de Registros de
Representación Semiótica y como método de investigación usamos aspectos del estudio de
caso. Este marco teórico permite analizar porque los estudiantes tienen dificultades al
momento de resolver problemas de optimización. Para la parte experimental de la
investigación se elabora dos problemas de optimización mediados por el Geogebra y son
aplicados a estudiantes de Ingeniería Mecánica de una universidad nacional peruana. El
análisis de los resultados logrados por los estudiantes muestra que hay dificultades al
momento de coordinar el registro en lengua natural, figural, algebraico y gráfico, sin embargo
se concluye que los problemas de optimización propuestos favorecen para que se dé dicha
coordinación, pues en el segundo problema de optimización los estudiantes realizan
tratamientos y conversiones en los registros mencionados con menor dificultad respecto al
primer problema de optimización.
The purpose of this research is to analyze how students from different engineering careers coordinate semiotic representation registers when solving optimization problems by mobilizing the derivative concept of real functions of real variable. Therefore, we consider as a research question. Do optimization problems in which is necessary to mobilize the concept of derivative of real functions of real variable favors the coordination between the different registers of semiotic representation in engineering students? For this study, we take the Theory of Semiotic Representation Registers as theoretical framework and as research method we use aspects of the case study. This theoretical framework allowed us to analyze why students have difficulties when solving optimization problems. For the experimental part of the research two optimization problems were elaborated mediated by the Geogebra and applied to students of Mechanical Engineering of a peruvian national university. The analysis of the results obtained by the students shows that there are difficulties when coordinating the registers in natural language, figural, algebraic and graphic, however it is concluded that the proposed optimization problems favor such coordination, since in the second optimization problem the students perform treatments and conversions in the mentioned registers with less difficulty respect to the first optimization problem.
The purpose of this research is to analyze how students from different engineering careers coordinate semiotic representation registers when solving optimization problems by mobilizing the derivative concept of real functions of real variable. Therefore, we consider as a research question. Do optimization problems in which is necessary to mobilize the concept of derivative of real functions of real variable favors the coordination between the different registers of semiotic representation in engineering students? For this study, we take the Theory of Semiotic Representation Registers as theoretical framework and as research method we use aspects of the case study. This theoretical framework allowed us to analyze why students have difficulties when solving optimization problems. For the experimental part of the research two optimization problems were elaborated mediated by the Geogebra and applied to students of Mechanical Engineering of a peruvian national university. The analysis of the results obtained by the students shows that there are difficulties when coordinating the registers in natural language, figural, algebraic and graphic, however it is concluded that the proposed optimization problems favor such coordination, since in the second optimization problem the students perform treatments and conversions in the mentioned registers with less difficulty respect to the first optimization problem.
Palabras clave
Funciones (Matemáticas), Matemáticas--Estudio y enseñanza, Optimización matemática
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