La Corrupción Política y las Prácticas Administrativas que la reproduce. “Un estudio de caso en la Sede Central del Gobierno Regional del Callao entre los años 2014 -2018”
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como tema principal la corrupción política y
administrativa al interior de la sede central del Gobierno Regional del Callao
como estudio de caso en el periodo 2014 -2018, en virtud al vacío que ha
evidenciado la Academia sobre prácticas de corrupción en los hechos, ese
vacío se ha producido para nosotros porque todos los estudios se han
efectuado desde una observación externa del fenómeno.
Ante esta dificultad, la investigación fue realizada utilizando la observación
directa participante y con un enfoque de sistemas como metodología, a través
de ella se han descrito las prácticas que se dan al interior de la Sede Central
del Gobierno Regional del Callao, evidenciadas no solo a través de las
observaciones directas realizadas, sino también a través de las entrevistas
realizadas a actores del propio gobierno regional con la finalidad de evidenciar
cómo se articulan en los hechos la corrupción política y administrativa y como
se va capturando al Estado y a la burocracia, a través de estas prácticas se
aprovechan las fallas del propio sistema administrativo, los vacíos legales; así
como los factores políticos, sociales y económicos coadyuvan a que la
corrupción se reinvente penetrando a la burocracia a partir de la injerencia
Los hallazgos más importantes recaen en la captura de la Oficina de
Recursos Humanos y la importancia que ella tiene para el sostenimiento de
prácticas de patronazgos y clientela; se muestra como a partir de la llegada al
poder de un seudo partido político hegemónico se ha dado el copamiento del
espectro político, se muestra el nacimiento del nuevo patrimonialismo público
en el Perú, el mismo que ha logrado subordinar al poder político a partir de lo
económico; hecho que ha generado una nueva forma de hacer política, ya
que las evidencias nos muestran que otros Gobierno Regionales comparten
las mismas debilidades institucionales y muchas de las practicas
The main topic of this thesis is the political and administrative corruption within the Regional Government of Callao as a case study during the period 2014- 2018. The thesis is written as a response to the existing legal loopholes shown by the research community in relation to corruption practices. That legal vacuum has been produced due to the outward-looking approach of most of the research done on the topic. To face this problem, this research has been done using direct participant observation and a systems approach methodology. Through these methodologies, practices identified within the Regional Government of Callao’s Headquarters have been described. They were identified not only using direct observation, but also interviewing the participants in the regional government itself. This was done to illustrate how the political and administrative corruption are both articulated and the way in which the nation-state and the bureaucracy are manifested. These corruption practices take advantage of the weakness of the administrative system itself and the legal loopholes. Equally, the political, social, and economic factors help the corruption to re-invent’ itself utilizing bureaucracy through political interference. The main findings are the capture of the Office of Human Resources and the importance it has for the practice of patronage and clientelism. It is shown how the political spectrum has been invaded as a consequence of the arrival of a pseudo hegemonic political party as well as the birth of the newest public patrimonialism in Peru. The latter has subordinated the political power due to financial incentives. This fact has led to the birth of a new way to play politics as it shows that other Regional Governments share the same institutional weakness and most of the corruption practices
The main topic of this thesis is the political and administrative corruption within the Regional Government of Callao as a case study during the period 2014- 2018. The thesis is written as a response to the existing legal loopholes shown by the research community in relation to corruption practices. That legal vacuum has been produced due to the outward-looking approach of most of the research done on the topic. To face this problem, this research has been done using direct participant observation and a systems approach methodology. Through these methodologies, practices identified within the Regional Government of Callao’s Headquarters have been described. They were identified not only using direct observation, but also interviewing the participants in the regional government itself. This was done to illustrate how the political and administrative corruption are both articulated and the way in which the nation-state and the bureaucracy are manifested. These corruption practices take advantage of the weakness of the administrative system itself and the legal loopholes. Equally, the political, social, and economic factors help the corruption to re-invent’ itself utilizing bureaucracy through political interference. The main findings are the capture of the Office of Human Resources and the importance it has for the practice of patronage and clientelism. It is shown how the political spectrum has been invaded as a consequence of the arrival of a pseudo hegemonic political party as well as the birth of the newest public patrimonialism in Peru. The latter has subordinated the political power due to financial incentives. This fact has led to the birth of a new way to play politics as it shows that other Regional Governments share the same institutional weakness and most of the corruption practices
Palabras clave
Corrupción política--Perú--Callao, Delitos de los funcionarios--Perú--Callao, Administración pública--Perú--Callao
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