¿Resulta constitucional la censura?: Caso Paisana Jacinta
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La pregunta principal que aborda este informe jurídico es acerca de la necesidad
de la censura del programa “Paisana Jacinta” frente a los estereotipos que
perpetúa, que finalmente hace que se vulneren los derechos a la Dignidad
humana, Igualdad y No Discriminación, al Honor y a la Identidad Étnica y Cultural
de las mujeres andinas. Ello, considerando que hay otro derecho en coalición, el
derecho a la libertad de expresión, en este caso artística, del creador del
programa Jorge Benavides.
Es relevante mencionar que, pese a que se evidencia la vulneración de
derechos, hay otros factores que tienen un rol importante en la decisión de
apoyar la no censura. Hay que considerar, pues, que existen otros mecanismos
menos gravosos que podrían ser más beneficiosos que una mera prohibición.
Además, es necesaria la intervención del Estado a través de políticas públicas,
de cara a concientizar a los ciudadanos, para que estos, desde su libertad, elijan
contenidos que se alineen con el respeto y valoración de la diversidad existente
en nuestro país. Hay que recordar, en ese sentido, que si un programa no tiene
el apoyo de los televidentes no podrá seguir en la plataforma, por lo que resulta
importante la educación a este mismo para una elección más consciente
The main question that this legal report addresses is about the need for censorship of the "Paisana Jacinta" program because of the stereotypes that it perpetuates, which ultimately causes the violation of rights like Human Dignity, Equality and Non-Discrimination, Honor and the Ethnic and Cultural Identity of Andean women. This, considering that there is another right in coalition, the freedom of expression, in this case the artistic freedom of expression of the creator of the program Jorge Benavides. It is relevant to mention that despite the fact that the violation of rights is evident, there are other factors that play an important role in the decision to support noncensorship. It must therefore be considered that there are other less burdensome mechanisms that could be more beneficial than a mere prohibition. In addition, the intervention of the State is necessary through public policies, in order to raise awareness among citizens, so that they, from their freedom, will choose content that is aligned with the respect and appreciation of the existing diversity in our country. It must be remembered, in this sense, that if a program does not have the support of the viewers, it will not be able to continue on the platform, so it is important to educate them for a more conscious choice
The main question that this legal report addresses is about the need for censorship of the "Paisana Jacinta" program because of the stereotypes that it perpetuates, which ultimately causes the violation of rights like Human Dignity, Equality and Non-Discrimination, Honor and the Ethnic and Cultural Identity of Andean women. This, considering that there is another right in coalition, the freedom of expression, in this case the artistic freedom of expression of the creator of the program Jorge Benavides. It is relevant to mention that despite the fact that the violation of rights is evident, there are other factors that play an important role in the decision to support noncensorship. It must therefore be considered that there are other less burdensome mechanisms that could be more beneficial than a mere prohibition. In addition, the intervention of the State is necessary through public policies, in order to raise awareness among citizens, so that they, from their freedom, will choose content that is aligned with the respect and appreciation of the existing diversity in our country. It must be remembered, in this sense, that if a program does not have the support of the viewers, it will not be able to continue on the platform, so it is important to educate them for a more conscious choice
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