Sin horario ni salario: La influencia del trabajo de cuidado realizado desde la infancia sobre la construcción de la identidad de las mujeres miembras de una olla común en San Juan de Lurigancho
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación parte de la preocupación por conocer la identidad de
quienes integran, gestionan y desarrollan las ollas comunes surgidas Lima a raíz de
la crisis sanitaria, a menudo, sin una remuneración y sin apoyo institucional en
contextos sumamente adversos. Se buscará analizar la influencia del trabajo de
cuidados sobre la construcción de la identidad de las mujeres de la olla común Niños
Guerreros de Jesús (San Juan de Lurigancho). Se sostiene que el involucramiento de
las mujeres en organizaciones de cuidado comunitario se explica por un proceso
previo de socialización en el rol de cuidadoras y la formación de un habitus de cuidado
desde los primeros años de vida, por lo que se pretende conocer las características
de este proceso, así como los costos que implica para las mujeres. Se espera que
este estudio contribuya a comprender las implicancias de asumir el trabajo de
cuidados tanto en el ámbito familiar como comunitario para las mujeres de sectores
populares y cómo esta experiencia afecta su autopercepción y el rol que asumen en
situaciones de crisis. Así mismo, se busca visibilizar el aporte de las miembras de las
ollas comunes al desarrollo comunitario, a la economía popular y, por supuesto, al
sostenimiento de la vida en contextos de crisis.
This research seeks to know the identity of those who integrate, manage and develop the common pots that emerged in Lima as a result of the health crisis, often without remuneration and without institutional support in extremely adverse contexts. It will seek to analyze the influence of care work on the construction of the identity of the women of the common pot Niños Guerreros de Jesús (San Juan de Lurigancho). It is argued that the involvement of women in community care organizations is explained by a previous process of socialization in the role of caregivers and the formation of a habitus of care from the first years of life; therefore, it is intended to know the characteristics of this process, as well as the costs it implies for women. This study is expected to contribute to understanding the implications of assuming care work both in the family and in the community for women from popular sectors and how this experience affects their self-perception and the role they assume in crisis situations. Likewise, the study seeks to make visible the contribution of the members of the common pots to community development, to the popular economy and, of course, to the sustenance of life in contexts of crisis.
This research seeks to know the identity of those who integrate, manage and develop the common pots that emerged in Lima as a result of the health crisis, often without remuneration and without institutional support in extremely adverse contexts. It will seek to analyze the influence of care work on the construction of the identity of the women of the common pot Niños Guerreros de Jesús (San Juan de Lurigancho). It is argued that the involvement of women in community care organizations is explained by a previous process of socialization in the role of caregivers and the formation of a habitus of care from the first years of life; therefore, it is intended to know the characteristics of this process, as well as the costs it implies for women. This study is expected to contribute to understanding the implications of assuming care work both in the family and in the community for women from popular sectors and how this experience affects their self-perception and the role they assume in crisis situations. Likewise, the study seeks to make visible the contribution of the members of the common pots to community development, to the popular economy and, of course, to the sustenance of life in contexts of crisis.
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