La implementación de las funciones ambientales del sector Educación por parte del MINEDU
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como tema de interés la
implementación de las funciones ambientales del sector Educación por parte del
MINEDU, es decir tanto evaluación del impacto ambiental como fiscalización
El estudio de las funciones ambientales del sector Educación se encuentra a la
fecha en una etapa de diseño, dado que a parte que la materia ambiental es
relativamente reciente, la consideración de un sector como Educación en el
ámbito ambiental es aún más nuevo; sin embargo, resulta ser una oportunidad
de poder regular su implementación a partir de las innovaciones en materia
normativa y de las experiencias de otros sectores en el proceso de ejecución de
las funciones ambientales a su cargo.
La presente investigación se ha realizado teniendo como principal fuente a la
normativa ambiental general, que regula las funciones y alcance de las diversas
entidades competentes para realizar la certificación y fiscalización ambiental.
Se propone identificar el estado situacional de las funciones ambientales del
sector Educación y a cargo de que entidades del Estado se encuentran
asignadas, así como las condiciones de su atribución y las dificultades para su
ejercicio efectivo e idóneo con la finalidad de fortalecer la protección del
Asimismo, se analiza el rol del MINEDU tanto como autoridad ambiental
competente como entidad de fiscalización ambiental competente del sector
Educación; así como los principales problemas que se ha enfrentado el alcance
y la necesidad de arreglos institucionales por parte del MINEDU para el ejercicio
idóneo de las funciones ambientales de certificación y fiscalización ambiental del
sector Educación.
Finalmente, se presentan propuestas de mejora regulatoria tanto respecto de su
estructura organizacional para potenciar su funcionamiento como la
implementación de arreglos institucionales para contar con un Sistema de
Certificación y Fiscalización Ambiental que potencie el ejercicio de las funciones
ambientales a cargo del MINEDU.
The subject of interest of this research work is the implementation of the environmental functions of the Education sector by MINEDU, that is, both environmental impact assessment and environmental enforcement. The study of the environmental functions of the Education sector is currently in a design stage, given that apart from the fact that the environmental matter is relatively recent, the consideration of a sector such as Education in the environmental field is even newer. However, it turns out to be an opportunity to regulate its implementation based on innovations in regulatory matters and the experiences of other sectors in the process of executing the environmental functions under their responsibility. This research has been carried out having as its main source the general environmental regulations, which regulate the functions and scope of the various competent entities to carry out environmental certification and inspection. It is proposed to identify the situational status of the environmental functions of the Education sector and in charge of which State entities are assigned, as well as the conditions of their attribution and the difficulties for their effective and suitable exercise in order to strengthen the protection of the environment. Likewise, the role of MINEDU is analyzed both as a competent environmental authority and as a competent environmental inspection entity of the Education sector; as well as the main problems the scope has faced and the need for institutional arrangements by MINEDU for the proper exercise of environmental certification and environmental control functions of the Education sector. Finally, proposals for regulatory improvement are presented, both regarding its organizational structure to enhance its operation and the implementation of institutional arrangements to have an Environmental Certification and Enforcement System that enhances the exercise of environmental functions in charge of MINEDU.
The subject of interest of this research work is the implementation of the environmental functions of the Education sector by MINEDU, that is, both environmental impact assessment and environmental enforcement. The study of the environmental functions of the Education sector is currently in a design stage, given that apart from the fact that the environmental matter is relatively recent, the consideration of a sector such as Education in the environmental field is even newer. However, it turns out to be an opportunity to regulate its implementation based on innovations in regulatory matters and the experiences of other sectors in the process of executing the environmental functions under their responsibility. This research has been carried out having as its main source the general environmental regulations, which regulate the functions and scope of the various competent entities to carry out environmental certification and inspection. It is proposed to identify the situational status of the environmental functions of the Education sector and in charge of which State entities are assigned, as well as the conditions of their attribution and the difficulties for their effective and suitable exercise in order to strengthen the protection of the environment. Likewise, the role of MINEDU is analyzed both as a competent environmental authority and as a competent environmental inspection entity of the Education sector; as well as the main problems the scope has faced and the need for institutional arrangements by MINEDU for the proper exercise of environmental certification and environmental control functions of the Education sector. Finally, proposals for regulatory improvement are presented, both regarding its organizational structure to enhance its operation and the implementation of institutional arrangements to have an Environmental Certification and Enforcement System that enhances the exercise of environmental functions in charge of MINEDU.
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