Evaluación del impacto financiero de la aplicación de la NIIF 16 Arrendamientos en la presentación de los estados financieros de las empresas mineras productoras de oro supervisadas por la Superintendencia de Mercado de Valores en el periodo 2019
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente Tesis tiene como objetivo principal evaluar el impacto financiero
de la aplicación de la NIIF 16 Arrendamientos en la presentación de los
estados financieros de las empresas mineras productoras de oro supervisadas
por la Superintendencia de Mercado de Valores en el año 2019 año de la
adopción de la NIIF 16. Asimismo, los objetivos específicos buscan analizar el
impacto de la aplicación de esta norma en el estado de situación financiera,
en el estado de resultados y en el estado de flujo de efecto, así como,
identificar si las notas a los estados financieros de las mineras productoras de
oro supervisadas por la SMV revelan adecuadamente la aplicación de la NIIF
16 Arrendamientos en el año 2019. La metodología de la investigación es
cuantitativa ya que se para el análisis de las hipótesis planteadas en la
presente tesis se han definido variables que serán evaluadas a través del
análisis financiero (ratios financieros) y la identificación del impacto en los
estados financieros a través de la comparación de los estados financieros del
año de la adopción (31.12.2019), el año anterior (31.12.2018, antes de la
adopción de la norma) y al 01.01.2018 (saldos iniciales del año anterior).
Este proyecto es relevante debido a que, la NIIF 16 Arrendamientos ha sido
implementada en el año 2019 en el país y su aplicación en el sector minero se
esperaba que sea de gran impacto en este sector ya que se utilizan un gran
volumen de contratos comerciales que implícitamente podrían contener
arrendamientos. En este sentido es de gran interés en los usuarios de los
estados financieros entender la magnitud de los impactos de la
implementación de la NIIF 16 en empresas de sector minero.
The main objective of this Thesis is to evaluate the financial impact of the application of IFRS 16 Leases in the presentation of the financial statements of gold-producing mining companies supervised by the Superintendency of Securities Market in 2019, the year of the adoption of IFRS 16. Likewise, the specific objectives seek to analyze the impact of the application of this standard on the statement of financial position, the income statement and the effect flow statement, as well as to identify whether the notes to the financial statements of the gold-producing mining companies supervised by the SMV adequately reveal the application of IFRS 16 Leases in 2019. The research methodology is quantitative since variables have been defined for the analysis of the hypotheses raised in this thesis. which will be evaluated through financial analysis (financial ratios) and identification of the impact on the financial statements through the comparison of the financial statements of the year of adoption (12/31/2019), the previous year (12/31/2018, before of the adoption of the standard) and as of 01/01/2019 (initial balances from the previous year). This project is relevant because IFRS 16 Leases has been implemented in 2019 in the country and its application in the mining sector was expected to have a great impact in this sector since a large volume of commercial contracts are used that They could implicitly contain leases. In this sense, it is of great interest to users of financial statements to understand the magnitude of the impacts of the implementation of IFRS 16 on companies in the mining sector.
The main objective of this Thesis is to evaluate the financial impact of the application of IFRS 16 Leases in the presentation of the financial statements of gold-producing mining companies supervised by the Superintendency of Securities Market in 2019, the year of the adoption of IFRS 16. Likewise, the specific objectives seek to analyze the impact of the application of this standard on the statement of financial position, the income statement and the effect flow statement, as well as to identify whether the notes to the financial statements of the gold-producing mining companies supervised by the SMV adequately reveal the application of IFRS 16 Leases in 2019. The research methodology is quantitative since variables have been defined for the analysis of the hypotheses raised in this thesis. which will be evaluated through financial analysis (financial ratios) and identification of the impact on the financial statements through the comparison of the financial statements of the year of adoption (12/31/2019), the previous year (12/31/2018, before of the adoption of the standard) and as of 01/01/2019 (initial balances from the previous year). This project is relevant because IFRS 16 Leases has been implemented in 2019 in the country and its application in the mining sector was expected to have a great impact in this sector since a large volume of commercial contracts are used that They could implicitly contain leases. In this sense, it is of great interest to users of financial statements to understand the magnitude of the impacts of the implementation of IFRS 16 on companies in the mining sector.
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