Análisis de las políticas educativas del Perú relacionadas a la atención de las dificultades específicas del aprendizaje de la lectura, habilidades predictoras y atención psicoeducativa, en el periodo 2015-2020
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente es un estudio cualitativo, que tiene como propósito analizar la atención a las
dificultades específicas de la lectura (DEAL), habilidades predictoras y atención
psicoeducativa, en las Políticas Educativas (PE) del Perú en el periodo 2015-2020. Para
ello se realizó una revisión de ocho documentos, siendo los siguientes: la Ley 30797 que
promueve la educación inclusiva, Proyecto Educativo Nacional-2036, Currículo Nacional de
Educación Básica, Programa Curricular de Educación Inicial, Programa Curricular de
Educación Primaria, Marco de Buen Desempeño Docente, Diseño Curricular Básico
Nacional de la Formación Inicial – Programa de Estudios de Educación Inicial y Diseño
Curricular Básico Nacional de la Formación Inicial- Programa de Estudios de Educación
La recolección de datos se realizó a través del establecimiento de un sistema de categorías:
Predictores de la lectura (Conciencia fonológica y Conocimiento alfabético) y Atención
Psicoeducativa de las DEAL (Dislexia, Prevención y Estrategias Diferenciadas para
estudiantes con DEAL), que, con ayuda de la técnica de Análisis Documental, permitió la
interpretación y reflexión de toda la información.
Se concluyó que de los ochos documentos, solo dos hacen referencia a las DEAL, siendo
el DCBN de la Formación Inicial - Programa de Estudios de Educación Inicial y Primaria en
los cursos Atención a las Necesidades Educativas Especiales y Atención a la Diversidad y
Necesidades de Aprendizaje II, respectivamente. En atención a lo hallado, se ha ideado
una propuesta que permita contemplar la atención de las DEAL en dichos documentos, a
fin de que se vivencie en la práctica pedagógica.
This is a qualitative study, whose purpose is to analyze the attention to specific reading difficulties (DEAL), predictive skills and psychoeducational attention, in the Educational Policies (EP) of Peru in the period 2015-2020. For this, a review of eight documents was carried out, being the following: Law 30797 that promotes inclusive education, National Educational Project-2036, National Basic Education Curriculum, Initial Education Curriculum Program, Primary Education Curriculum Program, Good Framework Teaching Performance, National Basic Curriculum Design of Initial Training - Initial Education Study Program and National Basic Curricular Design of Initial Training - PrimaryEducation Study Program. Data collection was carried out through the establishment of a system of categories: Predictors of reading (Phonological awareness and Alphabetic Knowledge) and Psychoeducational Attention of the DEAL (Dyslexia, Prevention and Differentiated Strategies for students with DEAL), which, with help of the Documentary Analysis technique, allowed the interpretation and reflection of all the information. It was concluded that of the eight documents, only two refer to the DEAL, being the DCBN of Initial Training - Initial and Primary Education Study Program in the courses Attention to Special Educational Needs and Attention to Diversity and Learning Needs II, respectively. In view of what was found, a proposal has been devised that allows the attention of the DEALs to be contemplated in said documents, so that it is experienced in pedagogical practice.
This is a qualitative study, whose purpose is to analyze the attention to specific reading difficulties (DEAL), predictive skills and psychoeducational attention, in the Educational Policies (EP) of Peru in the period 2015-2020. For this, a review of eight documents was carried out, being the following: Law 30797 that promotes inclusive education, National Educational Project-2036, National Basic Education Curriculum, Initial Education Curriculum Program, Primary Education Curriculum Program, Good Framework Teaching Performance, National Basic Curriculum Design of Initial Training - Initial Education Study Program and National Basic Curricular Design of Initial Training - PrimaryEducation Study Program. Data collection was carried out through the establishment of a system of categories: Predictors of reading (Phonological awareness and Alphabetic Knowledge) and Psychoeducational Attention of the DEAL (Dyslexia, Prevention and Differentiated Strategies for students with DEAL), which, with help of the Documentary Analysis technique, allowed the interpretation and reflection of all the information. It was concluded that of the eight documents, only two refer to the DEAL, being the DCBN of Initial Training - Initial and Primary Education Study Program in the courses Attention to Special Educational Needs and Attention to Diversity and Learning Needs II, respectively. In view of what was found, a proposal has been devised that allows the attention of the DEALs to be contemplated in said documents, so that it is experienced in pedagogical practice.
Palabras clave
Educación y Estado--Perú, Educación preescolar--Investigaciones, Lectura--Dificultades--Estudio y enseñanza (Preescolar)
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