Estrategias de producción de televisión educativa durante la pandemia del COVID-19 en Perú: el caso de Aprendo en Casa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo es una reflexión sobre la labor de producción audiovisual realizada durante
el primer año de la pandemia a causa del COVID-19, a través del caso específico del proyecto
denominado Aprendo en Casa, iniciativa estratégica del Ministerio de Educación del Perú para
brindar contenidos educativos complementarios a las clases virtuales que se desarrollaron ante
la imposibilidad de acceder al espacio físico del aula. Su descripción nos permitirá brindar un
testimonio fáctico y procedimental de las estrategias de producción televisiva implementadas
en el contexto de la emergencia sanitaria. Desde los procesos de guionización, pasando por la
producción y post producción de los programas televisivos se hace un recuento cronológico de
las acciones ejecutadas, problemáticas y herramientas que permitieron la viabilidad del
proyecto; con el fin de que sirva como insumo de consulta, caso de estudio y comparación con
lo aprendido en los cursos de la facultad.
Como estrategia multicanal de educación remota, Aprendo en Casa se distribuyó y emitió a
través de la televisión, radio e internet. Esta tuvo como objetivo brindar a las y los estudiantes
de educación básica del país la posibilidad de, durante la cuarentena, avanzar en el desarrollo
de competencias establecidas en el Currículo Nacional. Además, se orientó a complementar la
práctica pedagógica que realizan los y las docentes en el aula, con énfasis en la atención a los
y las estudiantes de las zonas rurales y alejadas a fin de acelerar la reducción de las inequidades
de aprendizaje.
This work reflects on the audiovisual production work carried out during the first year of the pandemic due to COVID-19 through the specific case of the Aprendo en Casa project, a strategic initiative of the Ministry of Education of Peru to provide complementary educational content to the virtual class format established due to the impossibility of accessing the physical space of the classroom. Its description will allow us to provide a factual and procedural testimony of the television production strategies implemented in the health emergency context. From the scripting processes through the production and postproduction of television programs, we make a chronological count of the actions carried out, problems, and tools that allowed the viability of the project; to serve as input for consultation, case study, and comparison with the learnings acquired in faculty classes. As a multi-channel strategy for remote education, Aprendo en Casa was distributed and broadcast on television, radio, and the Internet. Its objective was to provide regular students in the country with the possibility, during quarantine, to advance in developing competencies established in the National Curriculum. In addition, it was aimed at complementing the pedagogical practice carried out by teachers in the classroom, emphasizing serving students in rural and remote areas to accelerate the reduction of learning inequities.
This work reflects on the audiovisual production work carried out during the first year of the pandemic due to COVID-19 through the specific case of the Aprendo en Casa project, a strategic initiative of the Ministry of Education of Peru to provide complementary educational content to the virtual class format established due to the impossibility of accessing the physical space of the classroom. Its description will allow us to provide a factual and procedural testimony of the television production strategies implemented in the health emergency context. From the scripting processes through the production and postproduction of television programs, we make a chronological count of the actions carried out, problems, and tools that allowed the viability of the project; to serve as input for consultation, case study, and comparison with the learnings acquired in faculty classes. As a multi-channel strategy for remote education, Aprendo en Casa was distributed and broadcast on television, radio, and the Internet. Its objective was to provide regular students in the country with the possibility, during quarantine, to advance in developing competencies established in the National Curriculum. In addition, it was aimed at complementing the pedagogical practice carried out by teachers in the classroom, emphasizing serving students in rural and remote areas to accelerate the reduction of learning inequities.
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