Los sujetos laborales especialmente protegidos por la Constitución y necesidad de un plus de tutela durante el periodo de prueba
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis tiene como objetivo brindar un análisis de la situación real de los
trabajadores comprendidos dentro del grupo de sujetos especialmente protegidos por la
Constitución, que vendrían a ser la madre, el menor de edad y la persona con
discapacidad; durante el desarrollo del periodo de prueba en la relación laboral, ya que
por la especial condición de vulnerabilidad que poseen cada uno de ellos, pueden ser
objeto de actos arbitrarios de parte de los empleadores pese a tener una protección
reforzada; es por ello que el enfoque parte de proponer un plus de tutela a los sujetos
especialmente protegidos por la Constitución dentro del periodo de prueba, en base a
las condiciones de vulnerabilidad que justifican su protección. Para lo cual, se parte del
análisis de la compatibilidad del periodo de prueba y la estabilidad laboral reforzada
otorgada por la Constitución, con la finalidad de garantizar la permanencia en el empleo;
a efectos de eliminar cualquier acto de discriminación en la etapa filtro de la relación
laboral. En ese sentido, la metodología comprende el análisis cualitativo de los temas
principales, como lo son el derecho del trabajo, los sujetos especialmente protegidos y
el periodo de prueba; que permiten obtener una diversidad de perspectivas jurídicas
sobre los mismos, los cuales derivan a la conclusión de una implementación de un
procedimiento interno que motive objetivamente la no superación del periodo de prueba,
equivalente al proceso de despido laboral que se complementaría con la modificación
normativa del periodo de prueba.
The objective of this thesis is to provide an analysis of the real situation of the workers included within the group of subjects specially protected by the Constitution, who would become the mother, the minor and the person with a disability; during the development of the labor trial period in the employment relationship, since due to the special vulnerability thar each one of them have, they may be subject to arbitrary acts on the part of employers despite having reinforced protection; that is why the approach starts from proposing an additional protection to the subjects specially protected by the Constitution within the trail period, based on the vulnerability conditions that justify their protection. For which, it stars from the analysis of the compatibility of the trial period and the reinforced job stability granted by the Constitution, to guarantee the permanence in employment, to eliminate any act of discrimination in the filter stage of the employment relationship. In this sense, the methodology includes the qualitative analysis of the main issues, such as labor law, specially protected subjects, and the trial period; that allow obtaining a diversity of legal perspectives on them, which lead to the conclusion of an implementation of an internal procedure that objectively motivates the failure to pass the trial period, equivalent to the process of dismissal thar would be complemented with the normative modification of trial period.
The objective of this thesis is to provide an analysis of the real situation of the workers included within the group of subjects specially protected by the Constitution, who would become the mother, the minor and the person with a disability; during the development of the labor trial period in the employment relationship, since due to the special vulnerability thar each one of them have, they may be subject to arbitrary acts on the part of employers despite having reinforced protection; that is why the approach starts from proposing an additional protection to the subjects specially protected by the Constitution within the trail period, based on the vulnerability conditions that justify their protection. For which, it stars from the analysis of the compatibility of the trial period and the reinforced job stability granted by the Constitution, to guarantee the permanence in employment, to eliminate any act of discrimination in the filter stage of the employment relationship. In this sense, the methodology includes the qualitative analysis of the main issues, such as labor law, specially protected subjects, and the trial period; that allow obtaining a diversity of legal perspectives on them, which lead to the conclusion of an implementation of an internal procedure that objectively motivates the failure to pass the trial period, equivalent to the process of dismissal thar would be complemented with the normative modification of trial period.
Palabras clave
Estabilidad laboral--Perú, Período de prueba (Derecho laboral), Perú. Constitución (1993)
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