Tratamiento tributario en el Impuesto a la Renta de los gastos por mantenimiento de infraestructura vial pública realizado por titulares de la actividad minera
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar el correcto tratamiento tributario
de los gastos por mantenimiento en infraestructura vial pública realizado por las empresas
mineras, por la divergencia en las posiciones, por un lado la Administración Tributaria aplica
para su deducibilidad el artículo 72 inciso d) de la Ley General de Minería como gastos en
inversión de infraestructura pública, y por su lado el Tribunal Fiscal tiene el criterio que estos
gastos para ser deducibles tiene que cumplir con criterios adicionales al artículo 37 de la Ley
del Impuesto a la Renta, como que el gasto sea indispensable y extraordinario, y el Poder
Judicial señaló que la deducibilidad de estos gastos deben analizarse al amparo del artículo
37 de la Ley del Impuesto a la Renta.
Para llevar acabo la investigación hemos recurrido a la revisión de diversas normas, informes,
jurisprudencia y doctrina, los cuales nos han permitido arribar a la siguiente conclusión, que
el gasto de mantenimiento de infraestructura vial pública no le resulta aplicable la Ley
General de Minería y Reglamento, en cuanto dicha norma esta referida a la inversión
realizada en la construcción de una nueva infraestructura, por otro lado, el mantenimiento
está referido a los trabajos de conservación destinados a preservar en óptimas condiciones la
infraestructura vial. Por tanto, le resulta aplicable para su deducibilidad el principio de
causalidad establecida en el artículo 37 de la Ley del Impuesto a la Renta sin algún criterio
adicional, en observancia del principio de legalidad y reserva de ley.
The objective of this research is to determine the correct tax treatment of expenses for maintenance in public road infrastructure carried out by mining companies, due to the divergence in positions, on the one hand, the Tax Administration applies article 72 subparagraph d) of the General Mining Law as expenses in public infrastructure investment, and for its part the Tax Court has the criterion that these expenses to be deductible have to meet additional criteria to article 37 of the Income Tax Law, such as that the This expense is indispensable and extraordinary, and the Judicial Power indicated that the deductibility of these expenses must be analyzed under article 37 of the Income Tax Law. To carry out the investigation we have resorted to the revision of various norms, reports, jurisprudence and doctrine, which have allowed us to reach the following conclusion, that the cost of maintenance of public road infrastructure is not applicable to the General Law of Mining and Regulation, insofar as said rule refers to the investment made in the construction of a new infrastructure, on the other hand, maintenance refers to the conservation works aimed at preserving the road infrastructure in optimal conditions. Therefore, the principle of causality established in article 37 of the Income Tax Law is applicable for deductibility without any additional criteria, in observance of the principle of legality and reserve of law.
The objective of this research is to determine the correct tax treatment of expenses for maintenance in public road infrastructure carried out by mining companies, due to the divergence in positions, on the one hand, the Tax Administration applies article 72 subparagraph d) of the General Mining Law as expenses in public infrastructure investment, and for its part the Tax Court has the criterion that these expenses to be deductible have to meet additional criteria to article 37 of the Income Tax Law, such as that the This expense is indispensable and extraordinary, and the Judicial Power indicated that the deductibility of these expenses must be analyzed under article 37 of the Income Tax Law. To carry out the investigation we have resorted to the revision of various norms, reports, jurisprudence and doctrine, which have allowed us to reach the following conclusion, that the cost of maintenance of public road infrastructure is not applicable to the General Law of Mining and Regulation, insofar as said rule refers to the investment made in the construction of a new infrastructure, on the other hand, maintenance refers to the conservation works aimed at preserving the road infrastructure in optimal conditions. Therefore, the principle of causality established in article 37 of the Income Tax Law is applicable for deductibility without any additional criteria, in observance of the principle of legality and reserve of law.
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