Elaboración del software–programa pace para el análisis sintáctico de muestras de lenguaje espontáneo de los niños con pérdida auditiva del Colegio Fernando Wiese Eslava
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis tuvo como objetivo elaborar un programa Software
denominado PACE para el análisis sintáctico del lenguaje espontáneo de niños
con pérdida auditiva, y otorgar así una herramienta confiable para la comunidad
educativa, que facilite realizar el análisis de forma rápida y eficiente a diferencia
del análisis manual que realizan las docentes en el colegio Fernando Wiese
Para la realización del análisis correspondiente, las profesoras toman, en
primer lugar, muestras de la producción oral emitidas por el niño durante el día
para luego analizarlas de manera manual, lo cual toma un tiempo prolongado y
además conlleva a mayor probabilidad de errores.
En contraposición con el análisis manual, el programa PACE permite
obtener el análisis sintáctico en un menor tiempo y con un rango de error
disminuido, facilitando el quehacer diario de las docentes, permitiendo
aprovechar el tiempo en forma más eficaz y dedicarlo a la programación de las
clases u otras actividades.
Esperemos que este programa sea un aporte para las personas que tengan
acceso a él y recaer en beneficio de un mejor desarrollo de los niños en cuestión.
The following thesis has the objective of discussing the PACE software for syntactic analysis of spontaneous language of children with hearing loss, and thus establish a reliable tool for the education community, which facilitates analysis in a quick and efficient manner and is different from manual analysis that is realized at the Fernando Wiese Eslava school. To establish the corresponding analysis, teachers take samples of the oral productions of a child during the day, in order to analyze them manually. This takes an extensive amount of time and also carries a higher probability of errors. In contrast to manual analysis, the PACE program allows one to obtain syntactic analysis more quickly, and with a reduced range of errors, facilitating the teachers’ daily activities, allowing one to take advantage of time in a more efficient way, and dedicate oneself to plan classes and other activities. We hope that this program can be accessed to be used in order to benefit the development of the children in question.
The following thesis has the objective of discussing the PACE software for syntactic analysis of spontaneous language of children with hearing loss, and thus establish a reliable tool for the education community, which facilitates analysis in a quick and efficient manner and is different from manual analysis that is realized at the Fernando Wiese Eslava school. To establish the corresponding analysis, teachers take samples of the oral productions of a child during the day, in order to analyze them manually. This takes an extensive amount of time and also carries a higher probability of errors. In contrast to manual analysis, the PACE program allows one to obtain syntactic analysis more quickly, and with a reduced range of errors, facilitating the teachers’ daily activities, allowing one to take advantage of time in a more efficient way, and dedicate oneself to plan classes and other activities. We hope that this program can be accessed to be used in order to benefit the development of the children in question.
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