Conocimientos Acerca de las Dificultades Específicas de Aprendizaje de los Docentes de una Institución Educativa Privada de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación es de enfoque cuantitativo y de tipo
básica, con diseño no experimental y descriptivo simple, cuyo objetivo es
identificar el nivel de conocimientos de los docentes acerca de las
dificultades específicas de aprendizaje (DEA). Se parte de la hipótesis
general de que existen diferencias en el nivel de conocimiento que tienen
los docentes acerca de las dificultades específicas de aprendizaje. El
tema resulta relevante porque es necesario determinar si los docentes
tienen dominio respecto a las DEA, debido a que esto les permite estar
preparados para atender a las distintas necesidades educativas que
presentan los estudiantes. En este estudio, se trabaja bajo el enfoque del
DSM-5 (2014). La muestra es de tipo no probabilístico intencional,
conformada por 28 docentes del nivel primaria y secundaria de un centro
educativo particular. Se aplicó un cuestionario de 18 preguntas
dicotómicas (verdadero y falso), el cual recoge información acerca del
conocimiento de los docentes acerca las DEA, considerándose tres
dimensiones: información general, manifestaciones y/o detección e
intervención. Se concluye que los docentes evidencian un nivel alto de
conocimientos acerca de las dificultades específicas de aprendizaje. Por
lo tanto, se confirma la hipótesis general que señala que existen
diferencias en el nivel de conocimiento que poseen los docentes acerca
de las DEA.
This is a quantitative and basic research work, with a non-experimental and simple descriptive design, whose objective is to identify the level of knowledge of teachers about learning difficulties. It is based on the general hypothesis that there are differences in the level of knowledge that teachers have about specific learning difficulties. The topic is relevant because it is necessary to determine whether teachers have mastery of SLD, since this allows them to be prepared to meet the different educational needs presented by students. In this study, we work under the DSM-5 (2014) approach. The sample is an intentional nonprobabilistic sample, made up of 28 primary and secondary level teachers from a private school in Metropolitan Lima. The instrument used is a questionnaire of 18 dichotomous questions (true and false), which collects information about the knowledge of teachers about specific learning difficulties, considering three dimensions: general information, manifestations and/or detection and intervention. It is concluded that teachers show a high level of knowledge about learning difficulties in teachers.
This is a quantitative and basic research work, with a non-experimental and simple descriptive design, whose objective is to identify the level of knowledge of teachers about learning difficulties. It is based on the general hypothesis that there are differences in the level of knowledge that teachers have about specific learning difficulties. The topic is relevant because it is necessary to determine whether teachers have mastery of SLD, since this allows them to be prepared to meet the different educational needs presented by students. In this study, we work under the DSM-5 (2014) approach. The sample is an intentional nonprobabilistic sample, made up of 28 primary and secondary level teachers from a private school in Metropolitan Lima. The instrument used is a questionnaire of 18 dichotomous questions (true and false), which collects information about the knowledge of teachers about specific learning difficulties, considering three dimensions: general information, manifestations and/or detection and intervention. It is concluded that teachers show a high level of knowledge about learning difficulties in teachers.
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