El Principio de Fehaciencia en la deducción de gastos por pagos de penalidad ante incumplimiento contractual
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo se encuentra enfocado en identificar de qué forma actúa la
Administración Tributaria y el Tribunal Fiscal en la aplicación del Principio de Fehaciencia
en el caso particular de la deducción de gastos derivados por el pago por penalidad
contractual. Siendo la fehaciencia una figura que puede verse cuestionada en tanto a su
interpretación, debido a que no ha sido regulada directamente por una norma en el país. En
base a ello se tiene como objetivo poder definir hasta que punto puede exigirse al
contribuyente determinada documentación para poder demostrar la realidad de las
operaciones en el caso en particular.
Se partirá por desarrollar como es que se define el concepto de fehaciencia, cual es la
finalidad a la que se dirige y de que forma puede afectar de manera general al contribuyente
su aplicación irregular. Seguidamente, se tendrá en cuenta de que forma se compone el pago
por incumplimiento contractual como un gasto deducible y que documentación implica para
poder desarrollarse al momento de ser presentada frente a la Administración Tributaria. De
esta manera, se podrá entender en que punto podría reformarse las exigencias documentarias
para el contribuyente y la importancia de una aplicación regular para que el contribuyente
pueda no verse afectado.
This work is focused on identifying how the Tax Administration and the Tax Court act in the application of the Principle of Reliability in the particular case of the deduction of expenses derived from the payment of contractual penalty. Being faith a figure that can be questioned in terms of its interpretation, because it has not been directly regulated by a norm in the country. Based on this, the objective is to be able to define to what extent certain documentation can be required from the taxpayer in order to be able to demonstrate the reality of the operations in the particular case. It will start by developing how the concept of trustworthiness is defined, what is the purpose to which it is directed and in what way the irregular application of it can affect the taxpayer in a general way. Next, it will be taken into account how the payment for contractual breach is composed as a deductible expense and what documentation it implies to be able to develop it at the time it is presented to the Tax Administration. In this way, it will be possible to understand at what point the documentary requirements for the taxpayer could be reformed and the importance of a regular application so that the taxpayer may not be affected.
This work is focused on identifying how the Tax Administration and the Tax Court act in the application of the Principle of Reliability in the particular case of the deduction of expenses derived from the payment of contractual penalty. Being faith a figure that can be questioned in terms of its interpretation, because it has not been directly regulated by a norm in the country. Based on this, the objective is to be able to define to what extent certain documentation can be required from the taxpayer in order to be able to demonstrate the reality of the operations in the particular case. It will start by developing how the concept of trustworthiness is defined, what is the purpose to which it is directed and in what way the irregular application of it can affect the taxpayer in a general way. Next, it will be taken into account how the payment for contractual breach is composed as a deductible expense and what documentation it implies to be able to develop it at the time it is presented to the Tax Administration. In this way, it will be possible to understand at what point the documentary requirements for the taxpayer could be reformed and the importance of a regular application so that the taxpayer may not be affected.