Estudio de caso de un niño de 4 años 4 meses con dificultades en la forma y contenido del lenguaje
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El lenguaje es la capacidad innata que tiene el ser humano para expresarse, comunicarse y aprender,
estableciendo relaciones sociales que le permiten exponer sus pensamientos, sentimientos, necesidades e
intereses. En la actualidad, podemos observar gran incidencia de niños en edad escolar que presentan
dificultades en el lenguaje, impactando desfavorablemente en la interacción con su entorno familiar, social y
escolar. El objetivo del presente estudio de caso es diseñar un plan de valoración e intervención de acuerdo
con las características y necesidades que presenta un niño de 4 años 4 meses con dificultades en la forma y
contenido del lenguaje. Las dificultades encontradas en el caso estuvieron presentes en los componentes
morfosintáctico, fonético fonológico y léxico semántico, las cuales impactaron en el componente pragmático.
Después del proceso de valoración, planificación e intervención, los resultados demuestran logros en la
identificación y verbalización de oraciones simples de la estructura Sujeto + Verbo + Objeto (SVO), así como
mejora en la inteligibilidad de sus expresiones al emitir palabras de 3 sílabas respetando su metría. Además,
se aprecia progresos en el seguimiento de instrucciones simples de selección de 2 elementos de 5
presentados, respetando el orden solicitado y en la comprensión de preguntas literales con los
encabezadores ¿Qué?, ¿Quién (es)?, en narraciones cortas con imágenes. Se concluye que el plan de
intervención aplicado le permitió al niño mostrar avances en los componentes morfosintáctico, fonético
fonológico y léxico semántico.
Language is the ability of human beings to express themselves, communicate and learn, establishing social relationships that allow them to express their thoughts, feelings, needs and interests. Currently, we can observe a high incidence of school-age children who have language difficulties, impacting negatively the interaction with their family, social and school environment. The goal of this case study is to design an assessment and intervention plan according to the characteristics and needs of a 4year old 4 month old child with difficulties in the form and content of language. The difficulties found in the case were present in the morphosyntactic, phonetic, phonological and lexical semantic components, which impacted on the pragmatic component. After the assessment, planning and intervention process the results show achievements in the identification and verbalization of simple sentences of the Subject + Verb + Object (SVO) structure, as well as improvement in the intelligibility of their expressions when speaking words of 3 syllables respecting their metrics. Additionally, we can see progress when following simple instructions for selecting 2 out of 5 items presented, respecting the requested order and understanding literal questions with the headings What? Who (is)? In short narrations with images. In conclusion the applied intervention plan allowed the child to show progress in the morphosyntactic, phonetic phonological and lexical semantic components.
Language is the ability of human beings to express themselves, communicate and learn, establishing social relationships that allow them to express their thoughts, feelings, needs and interests. Currently, we can observe a high incidence of school-age children who have language difficulties, impacting negatively the interaction with their family, social and school environment. The goal of this case study is to design an assessment and intervention plan according to the characteristics and needs of a 4year old 4 month old child with difficulties in the form and content of language. The difficulties found in the case were present in the morphosyntactic, phonetic, phonological and lexical semantic components, which impacted on the pragmatic component. After the assessment, planning and intervention process the results show achievements in the identification and verbalization of simple sentences of the Subject + Verb + Object (SVO) structure, as well as improvement in the intelligibility of their expressions when speaking words of 3 syllables respecting their metrics. Additionally, we can see progress when following simple instructions for selecting 2 out of 5 items presented, respecting the requested order and understanding literal questions with the headings What? Who (is)? In short narrations with images. In conclusion the applied intervention plan allowed the child to show progress in the morphosyntactic, phonetic phonological and lexical semantic components.
Palabras clave
Niños--Lenguaje, Trastornos del habla en niños