Aplicación del procedimiento de ejecución subsidiaria por el Organismo de Evaluación y Fiscalización Ambiental
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el marco del Derecho Administrativo, para enfrentar los casos en los que el
administrado no cumpla con aquella obligación impuesta, la Administración
Pública tiene la facultad de utilizar los medios de ejecución forzosa previstos en
el TUO de la LPAG, tales como la ejecución coactiva, ejecución subsidiaria,
multa coercitiva o la compulsión sobre las personas.
La ejecución subsidiaria es una herramienta de ejecución forzosa de la
Administración Pública como parte de su poder público que permite al Estado
ejecutar por sí mismo, directa o indirectamente, el contenido del acto al que
estaba obligado el administrado renuente a su cumplimiento, a su costa. Este
método de ejecución forzosa generalmente se considera el más ponderado,
debido a que no impone ninguna carga o costo adicional al administrado que no
estuviera establecido en el acto administrativo primigenio.
Se expone un esbozo de propuesta del procedimiento de ejecución subsidiaria
a ser ejecutado en el ámbito de la fiscalización ambiental en el Perú,
habiéndonos centrado en la definición de principios y garantías que deberán ser
incorporados para propiciar la utilización de este mecanismo creado con la
finalidad de alcanzar una mayor eficacia en los actos de la autoridad en materia
de fiscalización ambiental.
Within the framework of Administrative Law, in order to deal with cases in which the subject does not comply with the obligation imposed, the Public Administration has the power to use the means of forced execution provided for in the TUO of the LPAG, such as coercive execution, subsidiary execution, coercive fine or compulsion on persons. Subsidiary enforcement is a tool of enforcement by the Public Administration as part of its public power that allows the State to execute by itself, directly or indirectly, the content of the act to which the reluctant subject was obliged, at its own expense. This method of enforcement is generally considered to be the most weighted, because it does not impose any additional burden or cost on the person administered that was not established in the original administrative act. An outline of the proposal of the subsidiary enforcement procedure to be executed in the field of environmental control in Peru is presented, having focused on the definition of principles and guarantees that must be incorporated to promote the use of this mechanism created with the purpose of achieving greater effectiveness in the acts of the authority in matters of environmental control.
Within the framework of Administrative Law, in order to deal with cases in which the subject does not comply with the obligation imposed, the Public Administration has the power to use the means of forced execution provided for in the TUO of the LPAG, such as coercive execution, subsidiary execution, coercive fine or compulsion on persons. Subsidiary enforcement is a tool of enforcement by the Public Administration as part of its public power that allows the State to execute by itself, directly or indirectly, the content of the act to which the reluctant subject was obliged, at its own expense. This method of enforcement is generally considered to be the most weighted, because it does not impose any additional burden or cost on the person administered that was not established in the original administrative act. An outline of the proposal of the subsidiary enforcement procedure to be executed in the field of environmental control in Peru is presented, having focused on the definition of principles and guarantees that must be incorporated to promote the use of this mechanism created with the purpose of achieving greater effectiveness in the acts of the authority in matters of environmental control.
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