La influencia de la psicomotricidad global en el aprendizaje de conceptos básicos matemáticos en los niños de cuatro años de una institución educativa privada del distrito de San Borja
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo es un estudio Experimental, cuyo diseño desarrollado
fue el Cuasi-experimental. Tiene como objetivo general la determinación de la
influencia en la aplicación de un programa de psicomotricidad global para el
desarrollo de conceptos básicos en los niños de cuatro años de una Institución
Educativa Privada del Distrito de San Borja
Esta investigación justifica su importancia de trabajo, ya que,
metodológicamente la enseñanza de conceptos básicos en los niños es vital para
su aprendizaje y de otros conceptos de mayor complejidad; es así que
planteamos a la psicomotricidad como un método importante para el aprendizaje
de los conceptos básicos matemáticos, toda vez que permitirá al niño
interiorizarlos, logrando que el niño construya significativamente su propio aprendizaje a través de su cuerpo y el movimiento. La población estudiada fueron los niños de cuatro años de una institución
educativa privada del distrito de San Borja y la muestra fue elegida bajo un
muestreo de tipo intencional. Para el recojo de los datos, se utilizó la técnica
psicométrica, técnica de análisis de documentos y técnica experimental. El
instrumento usado fue el test de conceptos básicos de la Prueba de Pre cálculo
Neva Milicia y Sandra Schmidt. Los resultados demuestran que los niños antes de
la aplicación del programa su nivel de aprendizaje era de medio a bajo del
promedio, hallándose serias dificultades para la realización simbólica de estos
conceptos; sin embargo ,luego de aplicación del programas de psicomotricidad se
pudo obtener en la prueba del post test resultados realmente visibles, muy
positivos que demuestran la eficacia de un programa de psicomotricidad en el
aprendizaje de conceptos básicos en los niños de cuatro años, al mejorar en su totalidad en el nivel de los conceptos en el post test.
The present work is an experimental study whose design was developed Quasi-experimental. The overall objective is to determine the influence of the implementation of a global psychomotor development of basic concepts in children four years of a private educational institution in the district of San Borja This research work justifies its importance as methodologically teaching children basic concepts is vital to learning these concepts themselves and others more complex, so we put to the psychomotor as an important methodology for learning basic mathematical concepts, since the child will internalize, making the child to build their own learning significantly through his body and movement. The study population were children four years of a private educational institution in the district of San Borja and the sample was chosen under an intentional sampling rate. For the gathering of data was used the psychometric technique of document analysis and experimental technique. The instrument used was the test of basic concepts of calculus Pre Test Neva Milicic and Sandra Schmidt. The results show that children before the implementation of their learning level was low to medium average, found serious difficulties in symbolic realization of these concepts, however, after application of motor skills programs could be obtained in the test post test results really visible, very positive that demonstrate the effectiveness of a program of psychomotor learning basic concepts in children four years to improve the whole level of the concepts in the post test.
The present work is an experimental study whose design was developed Quasi-experimental. The overall objective is to determine the influence of the implementation of a global psychomotor development of basic concepts in children four years of a private educational institution in the district of San Borja This research work justifies its importance as methodologically teaching children basic concepts is vital to learning these concepts themselves and others more complex, so we put to the psychomotor as an important methodology for learning basic mathematical concepts, since the child will internalize, making the child to build their own learning significantly through his body and movement. The study population were children four years of a private educational institution in the district of San Borja and the sample was chosen under an intentional sampling rate. For the gathering of data was used the psychometric technique of document analysis and experimental technique. The instrument used was the test of basic concepts of calculus Pre Test Neva Milicic and Sandra Schmidt. The results show that children before the implementation of their learning level was low to medium average, found serious difficulties in symbolic realization of these concepts, however, after application of motor skills programs could be obtained in the test post test results really visible, very positive that demonstrate the effectiveness of a program of psychomotor learning basic concepts in children four years to improve the whole level of the concepts in the post test.
Palabras clave
Matemáticas--Estudio y enseñanza (Preescolar)., Psicomotricidad
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