Informe sobre la casación N.º 6189-2011-LIMA
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente informe analizará la Casación Nº6189-2011-LIMA emitida por la Segunda
Sala de Derecho Constitucional y Social Transitoria de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de
Lima, la cual resuelve un recurso de casación interpuesto por la Oficina de
Normalización Previsional por la infracción del artículo I del Título Preliminar, artículo
50°, 171° y 188° del Código Procesal Civil y el artículo 139°, incisos 3) y 5) de la
Constitución Política del Estado en el marco de una demanda contenciosa administrativa
primigenia tramitada bajo el proceso especial llevada a cabo ante la 4° Sala Contenciosa
Administrativa de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Lima. Mediante el presente informe,
se analiza lo resuelto por la Sala Suprema en comento, a fin de identificar los problemas
jurídicos incurridos y brindar una respuesta a los mismos. El análisis se centra en la
valoración y actuación de la globalidad de medios probatorios aportados en el trámite
del proceso judicial, aun cuando tales no formen parte del expediente administrativo por
la naturaleza contenciosa administrativa de la causa. Asimismo, se analizará si la
Casación citada vulnera el Derecho a la Debida Motivación; y cómo ello afecta, por
defecto, el Derecho al Debido Proceso y Tutela Jurisdiccional Efectiva. Finalmente, se
abordará cómo las infracciones a los derechos procesales previamente descritos
vulneran el Derecho Fundamental a la Pensión.
This report analyzes Cassation N°6189-2011-LIMA issued by the Second Chamber of Transitory Constitutional and Social Law of the Supreme Court of Justice of Lima, which resolves an appeal filed by the Social Security Normalization Office for the violation of article I of the Preliminary Title, article 50, 171 and 188 of the Civil Procedure Code and article 139, paragraphs 3) and 5) of the Political Constitution of the State in the framework of a contentious administrative lawsuit processed under the special process carried out before the 4th Administrative Litigation Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Lima. Through this report, what was resolved by the Constitutional Chamber is analyzed, in order to identify the legal problems incurred and provide a response to them. The analysis focuses on the assessment and performance of all the evidence presented in the judicial process, even when such are not part of the administrative file due to the contentious-administrative nature of the case. Likewise, it will be analyzed if the mentioned Cassation violates the Right to Due Motivation; and how this affects, by default, the Right to Due Process and Effective Judicial Protection. Finally, it will address how the infringements of the procedural rights previously described violate the Fundamental Right to a Pension.
This report analyzes Cassation N°6189-2011-LIMA issued by the Second Chamber of Transitory Constitutional and Social Law of the Supreme Court of Justice of Lima, which resolves an appeal filed by the Social Security Normalization Office for the violation of article I of the Preliminary Title, article 50, 171 and 188 of the Civil Procedure Code and article 139, paragraphs 3) and 5) of the Political Constitution of the State in the framework of a contentious administrative lawsuit processed under the special process carried out before the 4th Administrative Litigation Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Lima. Through this report, what was resolved by the Constitutional Chamber is analyzed, in order to identify the legal problems incurred and provide a response to them. The analysis focuses on the assessment and performance of all the evidence presented in the judicial process, even when such are not part of the administrative file due to the contentious-administrative nature of the case. Likewise, it will be analyzed if the mentioned Cassation violates the Right to Due Motivation; and how this affects, by default, the Right to Due Process and Effective Judicial Protection. Finally, it will address how the infringements of the procedural rights previously described violate the Fundamental Right to a Pension.
Palabras clave
Recurso de casación--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Derecho administrativo--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Pensiones--Legislación--Perú
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