Evaluación del desempeño sísmico de la subestructura de un puente continuo de 3 tramos, empleando aisladores elastoméricos y de péndulo de fricción triple
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta investigación, abordó el estudio referido a la importancia de la correcta elección de
sistemas de protección sísmica en puentes basados en aislamiento sísmico, tomando como
modelo de estudio el puente existente Freyre, ubicado en el kilómetro 045+000 de la carretera
PE – 1S D en el tramo Los Cerillos , Islay ,Mollendo, Ilo, El Pozo, en el distrito de Punta de
Bombón, provincia de Islay en el departamento de Arequipa, el cual fue diseñado de manera
convencional, es decir, sin considerar el uso de sistemas de protección sísmica.
El puente en estudio consiste en tres tramos rectos postensados, de 121.8m en total, compuesto
por dos carriles y dos bermas a cada lado del tablero; el tablero lo componen vigas
prefabricadas postensadas y losas macizas. La estructura, al estar ubicada en la vía principal
anexa a la carretera Panamericana Sur, se clasifica para fines de diseño como una estructura
El objetivo principal de este estudio fue la evaluación de las ventajas y desventajas
estructurales, cualitativas y cuantitativas del desempeño sísmico de un puente, obtenidas luego
de su protección sísmica, empleando para ello independientemente, aisladores elastoméricos
con núcleo de plomo (LRB) y de péndulo de fricción triple (FTP).
Para la evaluación de lo citado anteriormente se establecieron tres casos de estudio: a) el puente
en su estado actual; es decir, sin protección sísmica, b) el puente considerando la inclusión de
un sistema de aislamiento sísmico basado en LRBs, y c) el puente considerando el empleo de
Para cada uno de los casos antes mencionados, fue necesario llevar a cabo análisis sísmicos
estáticos, modales espectrales y de historia en el tiempo no lineales, obteniéndose respuestas
referidas a desplazamientos, fuerzas cortantes, momentos flectores, fuerzas de restitución
lateral, periodos de vibración y amortiguamientos.
En el capítulo denominado análisis comparativo de resultados, se resumen y comparan los
resultados provenientes de cada caso de estudio de manera gráfica. Finalmente, en el capítulo
denominado conclusiones y recomendaciones se resumen los hallazgos producto de esta
This research is referred to the importance of the correct choice of seismic protection systems in bridges based on seismic isolation, taking as a study model the existing Freyre bridge, located at Km. 045+000 of the PE – 1S D Highway: Los Cerillos – Islay – Mollendo – Ilo – El Pozo Section, in Punta de Bombón, Islay, Arequipa, which was designed in a conventional way, without considering the use of seismic protection systems. This bridge consists of three straight post-tensioned sections of 121.8m in total, composed of two design lanes and two berms on each side of the deck; the deck is composed of posttensioned prefabricated girders, the deck being a solid slab of reinforced concrete. The bridge, being located on a main road adjacent to the Panamericana sur Highway, is classified for design purposes as an essential structure according to the Peruvian Bridge Manual. (MTC, 2018). The main purpose of this research was to evaluate the structural, qualitative and quantitative advantages and disadvantages of the seismic performance of a bridge, obtained after its seismic protection, using two types of isolators bearings, elastomeric with lead core (LRB) and friction triple pendulum (FTP). For this purpose, three case studies were established: a) the bridge without Seismic protection, b) the bridge considering the inclusion of a seismic isolation system based on elastomeric isolators with LRB lead cores, and c) the bridge considering the use of friction triple pendulum isolators (FTP). For each case, spectral modal seismic and nonlinear time history analyses were performed, obtaining displacements, bending moments, shear forces, lateral restitution forces, fundamental vibration periods and damping. In the chapter called comparative analysis of results, the results from each case study are summarized and compared graphically. Finally, in the chapter called conclusions and recommendations, the findings resulting from this research are summarized.
This research is referred to the importance of the correct choice of seismic protection systems in bridges based on seismic isolation, taking as a study model the existing Freyre bridge, located at Km. 045+000 of the PE – 1S D Highway: Los Cerillos – Islay – Mollendo – Ilo – El Pozo Section, in Punta de Bombón, Islay, Arequipa, which was designed in a conventional way, without considering the use of seismic protection systems. This bridge consists of three straight post-tensioned sections of 121.8m in total, composed of two design lanes and two berms on each side of the deck; the deck is composed of posttensioned prefabricated girders, the deck being a solid slab of reinforced concrete. The bridge, being located on a main road adjacent to the Panamericana sur Highway, is classified for design purposes as an essential structure according to the Peruvian Bridge Manual. (MTC, 2018). The main purpose of this research was to evaluate the structural, qualitative and quantitative advantages and disadvantages of the seismic performance of a bridge, obtained after its seismic protection, using two types of isolators bearings, elastomeric with lead core (LRB) and friction triple pendulum (FTP). For this purpose, three case studies were established: a) the bridge without Seismic protection, b) the bridge considering the inclusion of a seismic isolation system based on elastomeric isolators with LRB lead cores, and c) the bridge considering the use of friction triple pendulum isolators (FTP). For each case, spectral modal seismic and nonlinear time history analyses were performed, obtaining displacements, bending moments, shear forces, lateral restitution forces, fundamental vibration periods and damping. In the chapter called comparative analysis of results, the results from each case study are summarized and compared graphically. Finally, in the chapter called conclusions and recommendations, the findings resulting from this research are summarized.
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