Informe jurídico sobre la Resolución Nº 0027-2023/SDC-INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe jurídico analiza la Resolución N° 0027-2023/SDC
INDECOPI, emitida por la Sala Especializada en Defensa de la Competencia de
Indecopi, la cual resolvió en segunda instancia la denuncia presentada por
Sociedad Nacional de Industrias en contra de Frigoinca por la presunta comisión
de actos de engaño en la difusión de publicidad y videos en Youtube. Por ello, el
presente trabajo evaluará si la decisión adoptada en dicha resolución, en la cual
se concluyó que Frigoinca sí había incurrido en los actos de competencia desleal
denunciados, fue correcta y como se llegó a la misma. Se utilizará la Ley de
Represión de Competencia Desleal, así como en atención a los criterios
adoptados por jurisprudencia captada en resoluciones de Indecopi.
Mediante este análisis plasmado en el presente informe, se demostrará que
Frigoinca sí incurrió en actos de engaño al difundir la publicidad que fueron
materia de estudio en la segunda instancia, pero la Sala no realizó un análisis
apropiado. Ello pues, tras realizar una interpretación superficial e integral de la
publicidad, desde la perspectiva del consumidor, se puede interpretar que el
mensaje publicitario no era posible para el producto de conserva cárnica que
vendía la denunciada. Por un lado, decir que un producto es 100% natural
debería poder demostrarse, lo cual no se hizo. Por otro lado, la Sala no realizó
una interpretación desde la perspectiva del consumidor. En consecuencia, se
concluirá que eran susceptibles de inducir a error a los consumidores, pero se
critica a la Sala.
The present legal report examines Resolution No. 0027-2023/SDC INDECOPI, issued by the Specialized Chamber in Defense of Competition of Indecopi, , which resolved in second instance the complaint filed by Sociedad Nacional de Industrias against Frigoinca for the alleged commission of acts of fraud in the dissemination of advertising and videos on YouTube. The present work will therefore assess whether and how the decision taken in that resolution, in which it was concluded that Frigoinca had indeed committed the acts of unfair competition denounced, was correct. The Law for the Repression of Unfair Competition, will be used, as well as in accordance with the criteria adopted by the jurisprudence captured in Indecopi’s resolutions. Through this analysis in the present report, it will be demonstrated that Frigoinca did commit acts of deception in the dissemination of the advertising which were the subject of study in the second instance, but the Chamber did not carry out an appropriate analysis. Therefore, after making a superficial and comprehensive interpretation of the advertisement, from the consumer's point of view, it can be interpreted that the advertising message was not possible for the meat-conserved product that the complainant was selling. On the one hand, to say that a product is 100% natural should be proven, which was not done. On the other hand, the Chamber did not make an interpretation from a consumer perspective. Consequently, it will be concluded that they were likely to mislead consumers, but the Chamber is criticized.
The present legal report examines Resolution No. 0027-2023/SDC INDECOPI, issued by the Specialized Chamber in Defense of Competition of Indecopi, , which resolved in second instance the complaint filed by Sociedad Nacional de Industrias against Frigoinca for the alleged commission of acts of fraud in the dissemination of advertising and videos on YouTube. The present work will therefore assess whether and how the decision taken in that resolution, in which it was concluded that Frigoinca had indeed committed the acts of unfair competition denounced, was correct. The Law for the Repression of Unfair Competition, will be used, as well as in accordance with the criteria adopted by the jurisprudence captured in Indecopi’s resolutions. Through this analysis in the present report, it will be demonstrated that Frigoinca did commit acts of deception in the dissemination of the advertising which were the subject of study in the second instance, but the Chamber did not carry out an appropriate analysis. Therefore, after making a superficial and comprehensive interpretation of the advertisement, from the consumer's point of view, it can be interpreted that the advertising message was not possible for the meat-conserved product that the complainant was selling. On the one hand, to say that a product is 100% natural should be proven, which was not done. On the other hand, the Chamber did not make an interpretation from a consumer perspective. Consequently, it will be concluded that they were likely to mislead consumers, but the Chamber is criticized.
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