Informe Jurídico sobre la Casación Laboral No. 24685-2019-LIMA ESTE
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La Casación Laboral No. 24685-2019, interpuesta por Unión de Cervecerías
Peruanas Backus y Johnston S.A.A. contra el señor Alberto Gregorio Inga
Machuca ante la Segunda Sala de Derecho Constitucional y Social Transitoria
de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la República, versa sobre la impugnación de
la sanción disciplinaria de suspensión sin goce de haberes por cinco días,
establecida en el marco de la declaración de improcedencia de la huelga por la
omisión del Sindicato Nacional de Obreros de Unión de Cervecerías Peruanas
Backus y Johnston S.A.A. de adjuntar la nómina de trabajadores que debían
cubrir los puestos indispensables en su declaratoria de huelga. Ante dicho
incumplimiento, Backus presentó su propia nómina. De la misma manera, existía
una divergencia pendiente de resolución. Finalmente, la empresa sanciona al
trabajador por no asistir a prestar labores indispensables.
El recurso fue fundado argumentando que, ante dicho incumplimiento, es
razonable que las empresas determinen los servicios indispensables en tanto los
sindicatos pueden impugnar la decisión, y que la huelga no es un derecho
absoluto y su ejercicio se limita por otros derechos fundamentales. Por todo ello,
el empleador podía imponer su nómina.
El presente trabajo critica el fallo de la Casación porque los argumentos de la
Corte fueron insuficientes. Finalmente, concluye que es válido suspender sin
goce de haber a un trabajador indispensable nominado por el empleador por
acatar una huelga improcedente, incluso cuando exista una divergencia
pendiente de ser resuelta. Para ello, fue analizada la validez de la nómina del
empleador, la calificación de la huelga y la validez de la sanción disciplinaria.
The Labor Cassation No. 24685-2019, filed by Unión de Cervecerías Peruanas Backus y Johnston S.A.A. against Mr. Alberto Gregorio Inga Machuca before the Second Chamber of Transitional Constitutional and Social Law of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic, concerns the challenge to the disciplinary sanction of a five-day suspension without pay. This sanction was imposed within the framework of the strike being declared unfair due to the omission by the National Union of Workers of Unión de Cervecerías Peruanas Backus y Johnston S.A.A. to attach the list of workers who were supposed to cover essential positions in their strike declaration. In response to this non-compliance, the employer submitted its own list. Similarly, there was a divergency awaiting resolution. Finally, the employer suspended the worker for failing to attend his essential duties. The appeal was based on the argument that in the face of such non-compliance, it is reasonable for companies to determine essential services, while unions can challenge the decision, and that the right to strike is not absolute and is limited by other fundamental rights. Therefore, the employer was justified in imposing its own list. This paper criticizes the Cassation ruling because the Court's arguments were deemed insufficient. It concludes that it is permissible to suspend an employee without pay, nominated by the employer to perform essential duties, for participating in an improper strike, even when there is a pending divergency. The validity of the essential positions list, the classification of the strike, and the validity of the disciplinary sanction were analyzed for this purpose.
The Labor Cassation No. 24685-2019, filed by Unión de Cervecerías Peruanas Backus y Johnston S.A.A. against Mr. Alberto Gregorio Inga Machuca before the Second Chamber of Transitional Constitutional and Social Law of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic, concerns the challenge to the disciplinary sanction of a five-day suspension without pay. This sanction was imposed within the framework of the strike being declared unfair due to the omission by the National Union of Workers of Unión de Cervecerías Peruanas Backus y Johnston S.A.A. to attach the list of workers who were supposed to cover essential positions in their strike declaration. In response to this non-compliance, the employer submitted its own list. Similarly, there was a divergency awaiting resolution. Finally, the employer suspended the worker for failing to attend his essential duties. The appeal was based on the argument that in the face of such non-compliance, it is reasonable for companies to determine essential services, while unions can challenge the decision, and that the right to strike is not absolute and is limited by other fundamental rights. Therefore, the employer was justified in imposing its own list. This paper criticizes the Cassation ruling because the Court's arguments were deemed insufficient. It concludes that it is permissible to suspend an employee without pay, nominated by the employer to perform essential duties, for participating in an improper strike, even when there is a pending divergency. The validity of the essential positions list, the classification of the strike, and the validity of the disciplinary sanction were analyzed for this purpose.
Palabras clave
Recurso de casación--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Huelgas y paros--Perú, Trabajadores--Derechos--Perú, Sindicatos--Legislación--Perú
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