Informe jurídico sobre el laudo arbitral del Expediente Arbitral N° S 085-2013
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En el presente informe, criticaremos la decisión del tribunal arbitral emitida a
través del laudo a nivel sustancial y procesal, en ese sentido, se analizan las
obligaciones contractuales del Contratista según la Ley de Contrataciones del
Estado D.L. N°1017, su Reglamento, y el Contrato N°010-2012-MIDIS-PRONAA
sobre “Adquisición de Papilla”. Efectuando especial mención respecto a la figura
de vicios ocultos en las contrataciones de bienes, en este caso, bienes perecibles
y cuestionaremos la lógica del tribunal al considerar cumplidas las obligaciones
del Contratista.
En el aspecto procesal, observamos una violación al debido proceso, ya que el
Laudo fue emitido por dos árbitros recusados mientras el proceso debía estar
suspendido según la normativa vigente, lo que constituye una infracción a los
procedimientos legales establecidos.
En cuanto al fondo del caso, desde nuestro punto de vista, el Tribunal no evaluó
adecuadamente las obligaciones contractuales, siendo que su análisis se centró
únicamente en el cumplimiento de las obligaciones antes de la entrega del
producto, sin considerar las responsabilidades del contratista de mantener la
integridad del producto durante su vigencia. Este incumplimiento, se evidenció
cuando el producto entregado no estaba en condiciones óptimas. Además, el
Tribunal no tuvo en cuenta que, conforme a la normativa vigente, si el contratista
quería una ampliación de plazo para la entrega del producto, este debió
solicitarla inmediatamente después de cesar el evento de fuerza mayor, sin
embargo, notificó a la Entidad sobre el siniestro 14 días después de la entrega,
factores, no debidamente evaluados, que afectan la idoneidad del Laudo emitido.
In the present report, we will critique the decision of the arbitral tribunal issued through the award on both substantive and procedural levels. In this regard, we analyze the contractual obligations of the Contractor according to the State Procurement Law D.L. No. 1017, its Regulations, and Contract No. 010-2012- MIDIS-PRONAA concerning the “Acquisition of Baby Food.” Special mention is made of the concept of hidden defects in the procurement of goods, in this case, perishable goods, and we will question the tribunal's logic in considering the Contractor’s obligations as fulfilled. On the procedural aspect, we observe a violation of due process, as the Award was issued by two arbitrators who had been challenged while the process should have been suspended according to the current regulations, which constitutes an infringement of the established legal procedures. Regarding the substance of the case, in our view, the Tribunal did not adequately evaluate the contractual obligations, focusing its analysis solely on the fulfillment of obligations prior to the delivery of the product, without considering the contractor's responsibilities to maintain the integrity of the product during its validity. This breach was evident when the delivered product was not in optimal condition. Furthermore, the Tribunal did not take into account that, according to current regulations, if the contractor wanted an extension of the delivery deadline, this request should have been made immediately after the cessation of the force majeure event. However, the contractor notified the Entity about the incident 14 days after delivery. These factors, which were not duly evaluated, affect the adequacy of the issued Award.
In the present report, we will critique the decision of the arbitral tribunal issued through the award on both substantive and procedural levels. In this regard, we analyze the contractual obligations of the Contractor according to the State Procurement Law D.L. No. 1017, its Regulations, and Contract No. 010-2012- MIDIS-PRONAA concerning the “Acquisition of Baby Food.” Special mention is made of the concept of hidden defects in the procurement of goods, in this case, perishable goods, and we will question the tribunal's logic in considering the Contractor’s obligations as fulfilled. On the procedural aspect, we observe a violation of due process, as the Award was issued by two arbitrators who had been challenged while the process should have been suspended according to the current regulations, which constitutes an infringement of the established legal procedures. Regarding the substance of the case, in our view, the Tribunal did not adequately evaluate the contractual obligations, focusing its analysis solely on the fulfillment of obligations prior to the delivery of the product, without considering the contractor's responsibilities to maintain the integrity of the product during its validity. This breach was evident when the delivered product was not in optimal condition. Furthermore, the Tribunal did not take into account that, according to current regulations, if the contractor wanted an extension of the delivery deadline, this request should have been made immediately after the cessation of the force majeure event. However, the contractor notified the Entity about the incident 14 days after delivery. These factors, which were not duly evaluated, affect the adequacy of the issued Award.
Palabras clave
Arbitraje y laudo--Perú, Contratos administrativos--Perú, Procedimiento administrativo--Perú
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