Prácticas evaluativas de los docentes de 5° y 6° de primaria del área de inglés de una institución educativa privada de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La investigación busca responder a la pregunta sobre cómo son las
prácticas evaluativas de los docentes de 5° y 6° de primaria del área de inglés de
una institución educativa privada de Lima. Por ello, el objetivo general consiste en
analizar las prácticas evaluativas de los docentes de 5° y 6° de primaria del área
de inglés de una institución educativa privada de Lima. Esto se logra mediante tres
objetivos específicos que comprenden el describir las características de evaluación
y los tipos de instrumentos utilizados por los docentes para la recogida de
información del desempeño de los estudiantes, explicar los roles que asumen el
docente y los estudiantes en el proceso de evaluación e identificar las
convergencias y divergencias entre las prácticas evaluativas de los docentes con
el Proyecto Educativo de la institución. El estudio es cualitativo y utiliza el método
de estudio de casos instrumental lo que permite describir e interpretar la
complejidad de las prácticas evaluativas de los docentes de acuerdo a los
significados que les otorgan en el contexto donde se desarrollan. Se utilizaron las
técnicas de observación y de análisis documental. Los informantes fueron 2
docentes del área de inglés de 5° y 6° grado de primaria con mínimo 4 años en el
dictado del inglés en primaria y con inducción en los lineamientos de la institución.
Los resultados evidencian limitaciones en las prácticas evaluativas de los docentes
al implementar la evaluación formativa o para el aprendizaje, con relación a la
práctica regular de retroalimentación descriptiva, a la comunicación de objetivos
de aprendizaje, a la predominancia de evaluaciones escritas y de la
heteroevaluación. Si bien esto denota una tendencia a la evaluación tradicional, se
encuentra que la evaluación auténtica está abriéndose paso, pero aun sin la
regularidad necesaria lo que genera divergencias con la propuesta institucional.
The research seeks to provide answers regarding the assessment practices of 5th and 6th-grade teachers in the English area of a private school in Lima. Therefore, the general objective is to analyze the assessment practices of 5th and 6th-grade teachers in the English area of a private school in Lima. This is achieved through three specific objectives that include describing the evaluation characteristics and the types of instruments used by teachers to collect information on student performance, explaining the roles that teachers and students play in the assessment process, and identifying the convergences and divergences between the assessment practices of teachers and the Educational Project of the institution. The study is qualitative, using the instrumental case study method, which allows us to describe and interpret the complexity of teachers' assessment practices according to the meanings they give them in the context where they occur. Observation and documentary analysis techniques were used to collect data. The informants were two English teachers in the 5th and 6th grades of primary school with a minimum of four years of teaching English in primary schools and with orientation in the guidelines of the institution. The results show limitations in the assessment practices of teachers when implementing formative or assessment for learning, such as the lack of a regular practice of descriptive feedback, a lack of communication of learning objectives, a predominance of written evaluations, and hetero-evaluation. Although this shows a tendency towards traditional evaluation, it is found that authentic evaluation is making its way; however, not yet with the necessary regularity, which generates divergences with the institutional proposal.
The research seeks to provide answers regarding the assessment practices of 5th and 6th-grade teachers in the English area of a private school in Lima. Therefore, the general objective is to analyze the assessment practices of 5th and 6th-grade teachers in the English area of a private school in Lima. This is achieved through three specific objectives that include describing the evaluation characteristics and the types of instruments used by teachers to collect information on student performance, explaining the roles that teachers and students play in the assessment process, and identifying the convergences and divergences between the assessment practices of teachers and the Educational Project of the institution. The study is qualitative, using the instrumental case study method, which allows us to describe and interpret the complexity of teachers' assessment practices according to the meanings they give them in the context where they occur. Observation and documentary analysis techniques were used to collect data. The informants were two English teachers in the 5th and 6th grades of primary school with a minimum of four years of teaching English in primary schools and with orientation in the guidelines of the institution. The results show limitations in the assessment practices of teachers when implementing formative or assessment for learning, such as the lack of a regular practice of descriptive feedback, a lack of communication of learning objectives, a predominance of written evaluations, and hetero-evaluation. Although this shows a tendency towards traditional evaluation, it is found that authentic evaluation is making its way; however, not yet with the necessary regularity, which generates divergences with the institutional proposal.
Palabras clave
Inglés--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria), Educación primaria--Evaluación, Mediciones y pruebas educativas--Análisis y evaluación
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