Informe sobre Expediente de relevancia jurídica Nº00662-2012-0-1801-JR-CI-42, Indemnización de daños y perjuicios por responsabilidad civil extracontractual por acto de competencia desleal
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente informe tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis sobre el Expediente
00662-2012-0-1801-JR-CI-42, el cual versa sobre la materia controvertida de
una indemnización por Responsabilidad Civil Extracontractual. En dicho proceso
civil, en grado de primera instancia, el Trigésimo Primer Juzgado Civil desestimó
la demanda debido a no haberse configurado el elemento de la antijuricidad, por
considerar que la conducta de la parte demandada constituyó un acto lícito de
publicidad que respondió al ejercicio regular de su derecho a la información. A
su turno, y en grado de apelación, la Tercera Sala Civil decidió revocar la
Sentencia de Vista, tras aplicar al proceso el Decreto Legislativo N° 1044,
decreto que aprueba la Ley de Represión de Competencia Desleal, y determinar
que la conducta desplegada por el demandado constituyó un acto de
competencia desleal, en la modalidad de actos de explotación indebida a la
reputación ajena, que generó daños al demandante.
En ese contexto, el presente informe se encuentra enfocado en analizar cuál fue
el elemento preponderante de la Responsabilidad Civil que conllevó, por un lado,
al Juzgado a desestimar la demanda y, por otro lado, a la Sala, a revocar dicha
decisión. Asimismo, se analizará los demás elementos concurrentes de la
Responsabilidad Civil Extracontractual, y su aplicación al caso en concreto, para
así determinar si efectivamente nos encontramos ante un caso en el que
corresponde otorgarse la indemnización y su cuantificación. De la misma
manera, se realizará un análisis normativo, doctrinario y jurisprudencial de los
conceptos jurídico que se involucraron en el proceso como el derecho a la
información, derecho publicitario y la represión de la competencia desleal.
Finalmente, se expondrán los comentarios y conclusiones de todo lo antes
referido, con énfasis, respecto a la forma en como resuelto el caso tanto por el
Juzgado, como por la Sala Civil.
The purpose of this report is to conduct an analysis of Case No. 00662-2012-0- 1801-JR-CI-42, which pertains to the controversial matter of compensation for Extracontractual Civil Liability. In the civil proceeding, at the first instance, the Thirty-First Civil Court dismissed the lawsuit on the grounds that the element of unlawfulness had not been established, as it considered that the defendant's conduct constituted a lawful act of publicity that was a response to the regular exercise of his right to information. In turn, in the appeal process, the Third Civil Chamber decided to overturn the Appellate Judgment, after applying Legislative Decree No. 1044, which approves the Law on Unfair Competition, and determining that the defendant's conduct constituted an act of unfair competition, in the form of acts of undue exploitation of another's reputation, which caused damage to the plaintiff. In this context, this report focuses on analyzing which was the preponderant element of civil liability that led, on the one hand, the Court to dismiss the lawsuit and, on the other hand, the Chamber, to revoke said decision. Likewise, the other concurrent elements of Extracontractual Civil Liability will be analyzed, and their application to the specific case will be examined in order to determine whether we are indeed dealing with a case in which compensation should be granted and the amount of such compensation. Similarly, a normative, doctrinal and jurisprudential analysis will be carried out of the legal concepts involved in the process, such as the right to information, advertising law and the repression of unfair competition.
The purpose of this report is to conduct an analysis of Case No. 00662-2012-0- 1801-JR-CI-42, which pertains to the controversial matter of compensation for Extracontractual Civil Liability. In the civil proceeding, at the first instance, the Thirty-First Civil Court dismissed the lawsuit on the grounds that the element of unlawfulness had not been established, as it considered that the defendant's conduct constituted a lawful act of publicity that was a response to the regular exercise of his right to information. In turn, in the appeal process, the Third Civil Chamber decided to overturn the Appellate Judgment, after applying Legislative Decree No. 1044, which approves the Law on Unfair Competition, and determining that the defendant's conduct constituted an act of unfair competition, in the form of acts of undue exploitation of another's reputation, which caused damage to the plaintiff. In this context, this report focuses on analyzing which was the preponderant element of civil liability that led, on the one hand, the Court to dismiss the lawsuit and, on the other hand, the Chamber, to revoke said decision. Likewise, the other concurrent elements of Extracontractual Civil Liability will be analyzed, and their application to the specific case will be examined in order to determine whether we are indeed dealing with a case in which compensation should be granted and the amount of such compensation. Similarly, a normative, doctrinal and jurisprudential analysis will be carried out of the legal concepts involved in the process, such as the right to information, advertising law and the repression of unfair competition.
Palabras clave
Responsabilidad extracontractual--Perú, Indemnización, Acceso a la información--Derecho
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