Gobernanza migratoria en América del Sur y los procesos consultivos regionales sobre migración: el llamado Proceso de Quito 2018
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente investigación aborda el objetivo principal de explicar el impacto y alcance que tiene
el denominado Proceso de Quito en las políticas migratorias domésticas de los países miembros
en relación con el éxodo de personas de nacionalidad venezolana desde el 2018 hasta la actualidad.
El método empleado se basa en un diseño de carácter, principalmente, cualitativo con entrevistas
semiestructuradas a investigadores sobre el tema, personajes de la sociedad civil y, sobre todo,
personas refugiadas y migrantes de nacionalidad venezolana quienes son las personas que se ven
directamente afectadas. Asimismo, se realiza un análisis de la formación y evolución de este
proceso a través de sus declaratorias. Las principales conclusiones de esta investigación señalan
que los Procesos Consultivos Regionales sobre Migración, como el Proceso de Quito, son
iniciativas de carácter técnico multilateral de alcance limitado debido a factores como la
politización del espacio, la ausente participación de autores claves y la falta de transversalidad en
los compromisos adoptados.
This research addresses the main objective of explaining the impact and scope that the so-called Quito Process has on the domestic migration policies of member countries in relation to the exodus of Venezuelan nationals from 2018 to the present. The method used is based on a mainly qualitative design with semi-structured interviews with researchers on the subject, members of civil society and, above all, refugees and migrants of Venezuelan nationality who are the people who are directly affected. An analysis is also made of the formation and evolution of this process through its declarations. The main conclusions of this research indicate that the Regional Consultative Processes on migration, such as the Quito Process, are initiatives of a multilateral technical nature with limited scope due to factors such as the politicization of the space, the lack of participation of key authors and the lack of cross-cutting nature of the commitments adopted.
This research addresses the main objective of explaining the impact and scope that the so-called Quito Process has on the domestic migration policies of member countries in relation to the exodus of Venezuelan nationals from 2018 to the present. The method used is based on a mainly qualitative design with semi-structured interviews with researchers on the subject, members of civil society and, above all, refugees and migrants of Venezuelan nationality who are the people who are directly affected. An analysis is also made of the formation and evolution of this process through its declarations. The main conclusions of this research indicate that the Regional Consultative Processes on migration, such as the Quito Process, are initiatives of a multilateral technical nature with limited scope due to factors such as the politicization of the space, the lack of participation of key authors and the lack of cross-cutting nature of the commitments adopted.
Palabras clave
Inmigrantes--Venezuela, Venezuela--Emigración e inmigración, América del Sur--Emigración e inmigración--Política gubernamental
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