Informe jurídico sobre el Caso Masacre de Santo Domingo vs. Colombia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En el contexto de los enfrentamientos entre el Estado de Colombia y grupos armados no
estatales se produjeron diversas violaciones de Derechos Humanos, como las masacres
a civiles. Es así que en este informe se analiza el Caso Masacre de Santo Domingo vs.
Colombia, recaído en la sentencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos del
30 de noviembre del 2012. En este caso, la Corte concluye que el Estado de Colombia
es responsable por la violación de derechos humanos, en perjuicio de civiles adultos y
niños, a causa de un bombardeo militar efectuado sobre el caserío de Santo Domingo.
Sin embargo, el presente informe critica parte del análisis realizado por la Corte y la
declaración de falta de responsabilidad estatal de los derechos al debido proceso y
protección judicial , pese a que la investigación de los hechos se dilató más de cuatro
años a causa de una cuestión de competencia. La metodología usada en el presente
informe consiste en el análisis jurídico de los derechos presentes en la Convención
Americana de Derechos Humanos principalmente a través de normas del Derecho
Internacional Humanitario, la jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos
Humanos, sin perjuicio de recurrir a otras fuentes del Derecho.
In the context of the confrontations between the State of Colombia and non-state armed groups, various violations of Human Rights took place, such as the massacres of civilians. Thus, this report analyzes the Santo Domingo Massacre Case vs. Colombia, handed down in the judgment of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights of November 30, 2012. In this case, the Court concluded that the State of Colombia is responsible for the violation of human rights, to the detriment of civilian adults and children, to cause of a military bombardment carried out on the hamlet of Santo Domingo. However, this report criticizes part of the analysis carried out by the Court and the declaration of lack of State responsibility for the rights to due process and judicial protection, despite the fact that the investigation of the facts took more than four years due to a competition issue. The methodology used in this report consists of the legal analysis of the rights present in the American Convention on Human Rights mainly through the norms of International Humanitarian Law, the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, without prejudice to resorting to other sources of Law.
In the context of the confrontations between the State of Colombia and non-state armed groups, various violations of Human Rights took place, such as the massacres of civilians. Thus, this report analyzes the Santo Domingo Massacre Case vs. Colombia, handed down in the judgment of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights of November 30, 2012. In this case, the Court concluded that the State of Colombia is responsible for the violation of human rights, to the detriment of civilian adults and children, to cause of a military bombardment carried out on the hamlet of Santo Domingo. However, this report criticizes part of the analysis carried out by the Court and the declaration of lack of State responsibility for the rights to due process and judicial protection, despite the fact that the investigation of the facts took more than four years due to a competition issue. The methodology used in this report consists of the legal analysis of the rights present in the American Convention on Human Rights mainly through the norms of International Humanitarian Law, the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, without prejudice to resorting to other sources of Law.
Palabras clave
Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos--Jurisprudencia, Derechos humanos--Legislación--Colombia, Bombardeos aéreos--Historia--Colombia
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