La resolución judicial que convalida el Congelamiento Administrativo de Fondos: posibilidad y legitimidad de presentar impugnación ante su otorgamiento o denegatoria
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Acceso al texto completo solo para la Comunidad PUCP
El Congelamiento Administrativo de Fondos (CAF) es una medida limitativa del derecho
de propiedad, que puede aplicar la Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera del Perú (UIF Perú),
excepcionalmente, cuando estime, de manera muy preliminar, que determinados activos
provienen de o están vinculados a actividades de lavado de activos. Se trata de una
disposición en la que, sin mandato judicial, pero de manera sustentada, una autoridad
administrativa ordena a las entidades financieras y otros sujetos obligados congelar los
fondos de una persona natural o jurídica incluida en una investigación de la UIF Perú o
del Ministerio Público. Esta medida está sujeta a convalidación judicial, en el brevísimo
plazo de 24 horas. La finalidad del CAF es detener el flujo de los fondos que puedan estar
vinculados a actos de lavado de activos, así como preservar los elementos de prueba para
el correspondiente proceso de investigación y dar la oportunidad al Ministerio Público
para que solicite al Poder Judicial la imposición de medidas de coerción sustitutorias. En
el presente trabajo se sostiene que, si bien el CAF supone la afectación al derecho de
propiedad, dicha afectación es parcial y se justifica en el marco del esfuerzo que debe
desarrollar el Estado para la investigación y represión del del delito de lavado de activos.
Por otro lado, existen justificadas razones para que el procedimiento de emisión del
congelamiento de fondos y su convalidación judicial se lleve a cabo inaudita pars
respecto de las personas afectadas con dicha medida. Finalmente, al amparo de tratados
internacionales, la Constitución Política del Perú, el Código Procesal Penal y demás
normativa aplicable, las personas afectadas con una medida de CAF tienen el derecho a
tomar conocimiento de dicha medida y a ejercer su derecho de defensa, a través del
recurso de apelación de la resolución judicial que dispone la convalidación del
congelamiento. En tal supuesto, dicha apelación no debe sino revisar los aspectos
específicamente señalados en la ley que regula el CAF, como condición necesaria para su
emisión, sin entrar a un debate probatorio. Por otro lado, en caso de denegatoria de la
convalidación judicial del CAF, la UIF Perú tiene legitimidad para apelar dicha decisión.
The Administrative Freezing of Funds (CAF) is a limiting measure of property rights, which can be applied by the Financial Intelligence Unit of Peru (UIF Peru), exceptionally, when it deems, in a very preliminary way, that certain assets come from or are bounded to money laundering activities. This is a provision in which, without a Court Order, but in a sustained manner, an administrative authority orders to financial entities and other compelled subjects to freeze the funds of a natural or legal person involved in an investigation by the UIF Peru or the Public Prosecutor. This measure is subject to be confirmed by the Court, in the very short term of 24 hours. The purpose of the CAF is to stop the flow of funds that may be related to acts of money laundering, as well as to preserve the evidence for the corresponding investigation process and give to the Public Prosecutor the chance to request the Court to impose a substitute coercive measure. In this paper it is argued that, although the CAF supposes the affectation to the property right, that affectation is partial, and it is justified within the framework of the effort that the State must develop for the investigation and the fight against the crime of money laundering. On the other hand, there are justified reasons for the procedure for issuing the freezing of funds and their judicial validation to be carried out unheard of with respect to the people affected by said measure. Finally, under international treaties, the Political Constitution of Peru, the Criminal Procedure Code and other applicable regulations, the people affected by a CAF measure have the right to be aware of said measure and to exercise their right to defense, through the Appeal of the judicial resolution that provides for the confirmation of the freezing. In such a case, said appeal should only review the aspects specifically indicated in the law that regulates the CAF, as a necessary condition for its issuance, without having a debate. On the other hand, in case of refusal of the judicial confirmation of the CAF, the UIF Peru has the legitimacy to appealsaid decision.
The Administrative Freezing of Funds (CAF) is a limiting measure of property rights, which can be applied by the Financial Intelligence Unit of Peru (UIF Peru), exceptionally, when it deems, in a very preliminary way, that certain assets come from or are bounded to money laundering activities. This is a provision in which, without a Court Order, but in a sustained manner, an administrative authority orders to financial entities and other compelled subjects to freeze the funds of a natural or legal person involved in an investigation by the UIF Peru or the Public Prosecutor. This measure is subject to be confirmed by the Court, in the very short term of 24 hours. The purpose of the CAF is to stop the flow of funds that may be related to acts of money laundering, as well as to preserve the evidence for the corresponding investigation process and give to the Public Prosecutor the chance to request the Court to impose a substitute coercive measure. In this paper it is argued that, although the CAF supposes the affectation to the property right, that affectation is partial, and it is justified within the framework of the effort that the State must develop for the investigation and the fight against the crime of money laundering. On the other hand, there are justified reasons for the procedure for issuing the freezing of funds and their judicial validation to be carried out unheard of with respect to the people affected by said measure. Finally, under international treaties, the Political Constitution of Peru, the Criminal Procedure Code and other applicable regulations, the people affected by a CAF measure have the right to be aware of said measure and to exercise their right to defense, through the Appeal of the judicial resolution that provides for the confirmation of the freezing. In such a case, said appeal should only review the aspects specifically indicated in the law that regulates the CAF, as a necessary condition for its issuance, without having a debate. On the other hand, in case of refusal of the judicial confirmation of the CAF, the UIF Peru has the legitimacy to appealsaid decision.
Palabras clave
Procedimiento penal--Perú, Derecho procesal penal--Perú, Lavado de dinero--Perú
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