Conocimiento sobre los predictores de la lectura del docente del nivel inicial, primer y segundo grado de primaria en instituciones educativas públicas de la UGEL 2, Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En esta investigación de tipo descriptivo, se determina el nivel de conocimiento
sobre los predictores de la lectura en docentes de inicial, primer y segundo grado de
primaria en instituciones educativas públicas de la UGEL 2, Lima. Esto se logró
mediante un cuestionario a 354 docentes sobre los conocimientos básicos y ejercicios
aplicativos de los predictores de la lectura. Los resultados reflejan que: Los docentes
del nivel inicial de 3 y 4 años presentan un nivel de conocimiento alto de los predictores
a nivel general, mientras el resto de grados se mantuvo en un nivel medio. Por otro
lado, los resultados según dimensiones nos muestran una gran concentración de
mayores porcentajes en el nivel Medio, tanto en la dimensión de Conocimiento general
relacionado con la lectura como en tres de los predictores (Conciencia Fonológica,
Conocimiento Alfabético y Memoria Fonológica), observando esta misma
concentración en el nivel Alto únicamente en el caso de la Velocidad de Denominación.
Estos resultados fueron medidos en base a la muestra evaluada y no necesariamente
son indicador de un buen conocimiento de los predictores de la lectura. Consideramos
importante cimentar los fundamentos de la lectoescritura en los docentes para así,
prevenir dificultades posteriores en el alumnado.
In this descriptive research, the level of knowledge about the predictors of reading in elementary, first and second grade teachers in public educational institutions of UGEL 2, Lima, is determined. This was achieved through a questionnaire to 354 teachers on the basic knowledge and application exercises of the reading predictors. The results reflect that: The teachers of the initial level of 3 and 4 years present a high level of knowledge of the predictors at a general level, while the rest of the grades remained at a medium level. On the other hand, the results according to dimensions show us a large concentration of higher percentages at the Medium level, both in the dimension of General knowledge related to reading and in three of the predictors (Phonological Awareness, Alphabetical Knowledge and Phonological Memory), observing this same concentration at the High level only in the case of the Denomination Rate. These results were measured based on the evaluated sample and are not necessarily an indicator of a good knowledge of the predictors of reading. We consider it important to cement the foundations of literacy in teachers to prevent later difficulties in students.
In this descriptive research, the level of knowledge about the predictors of reading in elementary, first and second grade teachers in public educational institutions of UGEL 2, Lima, is determined. This was achieved through a questionnaire to 354 teachers on the basic knowledge and application exercises of the reading predictors. The results reflect that: The teachers of the initial level of 3 and 4 years present a high level of knowledge of the predictors at a general level, while the rest of the grades remained at a medium level. On the other hand, the results according to dimensions show us a large concentration of higher percentages at the Medium level, both in the dimension of General knowledge related to reading and in three of the predictors (Phonological Awareness, Alphabetical Knowledge and Phonological Memory), observing this same concentration at the High level only in the case of the Denomination Rate. These results were measured based on the evaluated sample and are not necessarily an indicator of a good knowledge of the predictors of reading. We consider it important to cement the foundations of literacy in teachers to prevent later difficulties in students.
Palabras clave
Lectura--Estudio y enseñanza, Lectura--Dificultades, Fonología
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