Análisis de los problemas en la implementación de la Estrategia Multisectorial Barrio Seguro en la zona de Barrios Altos, Cercado de Lima, durante el período 2017 – 2020
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En el Perú y en general en toda América Latina, la delincuencia ha traído
consecuencias negativas a nivel social y económico. Pese a que se han
ejecutado políticas de seguridad ciudadana, se evidencia que los diseños de
dichas políticas públicas carecen de un real diagnóstico lo que ha generado
problemas en su implementación.
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar los problemas en la
implementación de la Estrategia Multisectorial Barrio Seguro en la zona de
Barrios Altos, Cercado de Lima, durante el período 2017 – 2020. Para el análisis
se tomará en cuenta la propuesta teórica de Jaime, Dufour, Alessandro y Amaya
(2013), que propone analizar los problemas en la implementación a partir de la
normativa estructural, el presupuesto, la participación de actores involucrados
sean políticos y sociales, la voluntad política y eventos coyunturales;
conjuntamente con la mirada de Pardo, Dussauge & Cejudo (2018) que sugiere
analizar dicha problemática desde la estructura organizacional, objetivos,
recursos, capacidades, actores, intereses y las decisiones tomadas. Finalmente
se darán a conocer las oportunidades de mejora.
La investigación tiene un enfoque cualitativo y el diseño de la investigación es
un estudio de caso. La investigación concluyó que los problemas identificados
durante la gestión de la implementación de la Estrategia Multisectorial Barrio
Seguro en la zona de Barrios Altos, tienen su origen en la falta de un diagnóstico
técnico real al momento de diseñar la estrategia. A partir de ello se evidencian
que los objetivos son muy generales y no están aterrizados en planes de
trabajos y metas dependiendo de la zona, en este caso Barrios Altos, además
que, no se cuenta con un presupuesto. Finalmente, no hay respaldo político a la
EMBS, se identifica una alta rotación de personal no especializado. Los
dirigentes de las juntas vecinales no observan un trabajo articulado entre los
diversos actores y sectores que permita la intervención de los programas
sociales y mucho menos de la Policía y Serenazgo.
In Peru and in general throughout Latin America, crime has had negative consequences on a social and economic level. Despite the fact that citizen security policies have been implemented, it is evident that the designs of these public policies lack a real diagnosis, which has generated problems in their implementation. The present research aims to analyze the problems in the implementation of the Safe Neighborhood Multisectoral Strategy in the Barrios Altos area, Cercado de Lima, during the period 2017 - 2020. For the analysis, the theoretical proposal of Jaime, Dufour will be taken into account , Alessandro and Amaya (2013), who propose to analyze the problems in the implementation based on the structural regulations, the budget, the participation of political and social actors involved, the political will and conjunctural events; Together with the gaze of Pardo, Dussauge & Cejudo (2018) that suggests analyzing this problem from the organizational structure, objectives, resources, capacities, actors, interests and the decisions made. Finally, opportunities for improvement will be announced. The research has a qualitative approach and the research design is a case study. The research concluded that the problems identified during the management of the implementation of the Barrio Seguro Multisectoral Strategy in the Barrios Altos area, have their origin in the lack of a real technical diagnosis at the time of designing the strategy. From this it is evident that the objectives are very general and are not grounded in work plans and goals depending on the area, in this case Barrios Altos, in addition, there is no budget. Finally, there is no political support for the EMBS, a high rotation of non-specialized personnel is identified. The leaders of the neighborhood councils do not observe an articulated work between the various actors and sectors that allows the intervention of social programs, much less of the Police and Serenazgo.
In Peru and in general throughout Latin America, crime has had negative consequences on a social and economic level. Despite the fact that citizen security policies have been implemented, it is evident that the designs of these public policies lack a real diagnosis, which has generated problems in their implementation. The present research aims to analyze the problems in the implementation of the Safe Neighborhood Multisectoral Strategy in the Barrios Altos area, Cercado de Lima, during the period 2017 - 2020. For the analysis, the theoretical proposal of Jaime, Dufour will be taken into account , Alessandro and Amaya (2013), who propose to analyze the problems in the implementation based on the structural regulations, the budget, the participation of political and social actors involved, the political will and conjunctural events; Together with the gaze of Pardo, Dussauge & Cejudo (2018) that suggests analyzing this problem from the organizational structure, objectives, resources, capacities, actors, interests and the decisions made. Finally, opportunities for improvement will be announced. The research has a qualitative approach and the research design is a case study. The research concluded that the problems identified during the management of the implementation of the Barrio Seguro Multisectoral Strategy in the Barrios Altos area, have their origin in the lack of a real technical diagnosis at the time of designing the strategy. From this it is evident that the objectives are very general and are not grounded in work plans and goals depending on the area, in this case Barrios Altos, in addition, there is no budget. Finally, there is no political support for the EMBS, a high rotation of non-specialized personnel is identified. The leaders of the neighborhood councils do not observe an articulated work between the various actors and sectors that allows the intervention of social programs, much less of the Police and Serenazgo.
Palabras clave
Gestión de políticas públicas--Perú--Lima, Seguridad ciudadana--Perú--Lima, Seguridad pública--Política gubernamental
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