Now showing items 7-10 of 10

    • Temporary dwelling for the high altitude andean region of Puno, Peru 

      Jiménez, Cecilia; Montoya, Teresa; Loayza, Silvana (University of A Coruña and Asoc. PLEA2020 Planning Post Carbon CitiesES, 2020)
      Peru is a seismic country. The impact of these events is significant in poor and rural regions, where people are most vulnerable and government emergency response takes time and reconstruction of housing and community ...
    • Towards Informal Planning: Mapping the Evolution of Spontaneous Settlements in Time 

      Iovene, Maddalena; Fernandéz De Córdova, Graciela; Romice, Ombretta; Porta, Sergio (Editorial Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaES, 2017)
      Cities are the largest complex adaptive system in human culture and have always been changing in time according to largely unplanned patterns of development. Though urban morphology has typically addressed studies of form ...
    • Vernacular architecture and cultural landscapes in the Sondondo valley (Perú) 

      Sáez, Elia; Canziani Amico, José (International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote SensingCH, 2020)
      Sondondo is an inter-Andean valley located between 3,500 and 4,500 meters above sea level. Inhabited, transformed and modelled since ancient times by the local rural communities, an extraordinary cultural landscape has ...
    • Visibilidad y andenería en el valle de Sondondo (Perú). Una contribución al estudio de los paisajes agrarios modelados 

      Canziani Amico, Jose; Aparicio Martínez, Patricia; Clavera Ibáñez, Gloria (Ediciones Universidad de SalamancaES, 2018)
      El propósito de este estudio es analizar las piedras maquetas desde la perspectiva y la metodología de la Arqueología del Paisaje. Para esto se propone aproximarse a dichos elementos, estudiando su localización, características ...