Informe jurídico sobre la Casación Laboral N° 14758-2017 Lambayeque
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Mediante la Casación Laboral N° 14758-2017 Lambayeque, la Corte Suprema emitió un
importante pronunciamiento sobre la trabajadora gestante pues señaló que el retiro o pérdida
de confianza en este tipo de trabajadora no acarreaba un despido nulo. Por ello, en el presente
informe se analizará si el criterio planteado por la Corte Suprema supuso alguna vulneración a
nuestro ordenamiento jurídico y, por ende, se definirá si la trabajadora en estado de gestación
tenía derecho a la reposición o al pago de una indemnización por haber sido víctima de un
despido nulo. Para tal efecto, resulta indispensable examinar conceptos jurídicos como el
principio protector hacia la madre gestante, la tutela resarcitoria y restitutoria, el retiro de la
confianza, la carga probatoria en un despido nulo por motivo de embarazo, entre otros que
coadyuvarán a realizar un adecuado análisis de la casación en referencia.
Through Labor Cassation No. 14758-2017 Lambayeque, the Supreme Court issued an important ruling on the pregnant worker since it stated that the withdrawal or loss of confidence in this type of worker did not entail a null dismissal. For this reason, in this legal report it will be analyzed if the criterion raised by the Supreme Court involved any violation of our legal system and, therefore, it will be defined if the pregnant worker had the right to replacement or payment of compensation. for having been the victim of a null dismissal. For this purpose, it is essential to examine legal concepts such as the protective principle towards the surrogate mother, the compensatory and restorative protection, the withdrawal of trust, the burden of proof in a null dismissal due to pregnancy, among others that will help to carry out an adequate matching analysis in reference.
Through Labor Cassation No. 14758-2017 Lambayeque, the Supreme Court issued an important ruling on the pregnant worker since it stated that the withdrawal or loss of confidence in this type of worker did not entail a null dismissal. For this reason, in this legal report it will be analyzed if the criterion raised by the Supreme Court involved any violation of our legal system and, therefore, it will be defined if the pregnant worker had the right to replacement or payment of compensation. for having been the victim of a null dismissal. For this purpose, it is essential to examine legal concepts such as the protective principle towards the surrogate mother, the compensatory and restorative protection, the withdrawal of trust, the burden of proof in a null dismissal due to pregnancy, among others that will help to carry out an adequate matching analysis in reference.
Palabras clave
Recurso de casación, Derecho laboral--Legislación--Perú, Mujeres embarazadas
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