Concentración económica y actores políticos: la aprobación de la Ley de Control de Concentraciones en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La legislación antitrust busca responder al dominio excesivo del mercado por
parte de unos pocos grupos económicos. El Perú es uno de los pocos países en
América Latina que hasta hace unos años, no contaba con legislación en la
materia. Si bien es un tema que ha venido debatiendose hace décadas, recién
para finales del año 2019 se aprobó la Ley de Control de Concentraciones. La
presente investigación busca dar cuenta del proceso de agendación y
aprobación de la ley y de los factores que configuraron su aprobación. De esta
manera, se encuentra que factores tales como el liderazgo y voluntad política,
en conjunto con la influencia de organismos internacionales que establecen los
lineamientos para el desarrollo de la ley, configuran la aprobación de la ley. Se
tiene la importancia de la figura y el liderazgo del congresista Jorge del Castillo
al gestionar los intereses diversos de los actores del sector privado, público,
organismos reguladores, académicos. Además, de la presión externa por parte
de organismos como la OECD y la UNCTAD, que establecen los estándares
internacionales con los que el Perú debe cumplir. La investigación utilizará
bibliografía principalmente de autores como Francisco Durand, Eduardo
Dargent, Jaris Mujica, Tania Zúñiga, entre otros. Finalmente, se realizarán
entrevistas a actores de distintos sectores con el fin de evaluar el proceso de
agendación y aprobación de la ley.
Antitrust legislation responds to excessive market dominance by a few economic groups. Peru is one of the few countries in Latin America that until a few years ago did not have legislation on the matter. Although it is a topic that has been debated for decades, only by the end of 2019 will the Concentration Control Law be approved. This research accounts for the planning and approval process of the law and the factors that shape its approval. In this way, it finds factors such as leadership and political will in addition to international organizations’ influence that determine the guidelines for the development of the law and shape its approval. This study also shows the importance of Congressman Jorge del Castillo´s leadership at managing the interests of the private, public, regulatory, and academic sectors. In addition, to the external pressure from organizations such as the OECD and UNCTAD, that set the international parameters which Peru must comply. The research will use the bibliography mainly from authors such as Francisco Durand, Eduardo Dargent, Jaris Mujica, Tania Zúñiga, among others. Finally, interviews will be conducted with actors from different sectors in order to evaluate the scheduling and approval process of the law.
Antitrust legislation responds to excessive market dominance by a few economic groups. Peru is one of the few countries in Latin America that until a few years ago did not have legislation on the matter. Although it is a topic that has been debated for decades, only by the end of 2019 will the Concentration Control Law be approved. This research accounts for the planning and approval process of the law and the factors that shape its approval. In this way, it finds factors such as leadership and political will in addition to international organizations’ influence that determine the guidelines for the development of the law and shape its approval. This study also shows the importance of Congressman Jorge del Castillo´s leadership at managing the interests of the private, public, regulatory, and academic sectors. In addition, to the external pressure from organizations such as the OECD and UNCTAD, that set the international parameters which Peru must comply. The research will use the bibliography mainly from authors such as Francisco Durand, Eduardo Dargent, Jaris Mujica, Tania Zúñiga, among others. Finally, interviews will be conducted with actors from different sectors in order to evaluate the scheduling and approval process of the law.