Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • La cobertura y vigencia extraordinaria de la hipoteca sábana 

      Risco Sotil, Luis Felipe del (Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2014)
      In Peru, there are legal figures that, despite ofbeing abolished, continue having real effects. Such is the case of the "open mortgage”, which survives in our legal system.In this article, in regard to a recent judicial ...
    • Código Civil y Reforma en el Perú: Un repaso histórico. Entrevista a Jorge Avendaño Valdez 

      Roca Lizarzaburu, Luis Fernando; Avendaño Valdez, Jorge (Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2014)
      The reform of the text and the enactment of a new Civil Code both require a long and careful process; the work of a Reformer Commission should focus on   identifying areas for improvement in the text and propose solutions ...
    • Derechos sobre bienes y el numerus clausus 

      Mejorada Chauca, Martín (Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2014)
      At every moment, persons are in contact withg oods that serve to satisfy the different needsencountered in daily life. Since the relations between persons and goods are an importantmatter, it is basic to understand the ...
    • Macondo: Propiedad y tragedias 

      Arribas Irazola, Guillermo (Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2014)
      Property involves the possibility for men tocontrol their surroundings. Part of this control involves  the  exclusion of others from the benefits produced by their controlled goods.The possibility to exclude or not to ...