Núm. 67 (2015): Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 29
Propiedad constitucional, a propósito de la fe pública registral
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2015-07-01)Concerning the constitutional property right, doesour current Constitution only protect the owners ordoes it also protect, for example, the usufructuaries and superficiaries? Is this related to Public Trust In Registration ... -
El efecto ondulatorio de las fuentes en un Estado Constitucional de Derecho
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2015-07-01)The sources of law, as we know them, have been designed under the concept of law of the romangerman system tradition. But, what is the role andposition of the sources of law in a Constitutional State of Law, taking ... -
Discapacidad y derechos humanos
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2015-07-01)All persons are subjects of law, but not everyone has the “capacity” to fully exercise them. On this basis, people with disabilities have seen their opportunities for development as human beings limited.Why it that people ... -
La Corte de Roberts (Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos) versus el Tribunal Constitucional peruano: la libre competencia en la jurisprudencia constitucional
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2015-07-01)Within the framework of the process of constitutionalization of Law, the treatment towards antitrust regulation is being discussed on the jurisprudential level. An idea has appeared that suggests that deciding against ... -
Hacia un Estado Democrático Global: crisis y Constituciones
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2015-07-01)The economic crisis and the phenomenon of globalization have generated such a great impact on States that it has also had an effect onConstitutional Law, since the attention has beenturned towards the possibilities of ... -
La Constitución y el sistema jurídico nacional
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2015-07-01)¿Por qué reglas y principios se rige nuestro sistema de fuentes de Derecho? ¿Cuál es la importancia denuestra Constitución y del Tribunal Constitucionalal respecto?En el presente artículo, el renombrado constitucionalista ... -
Descentralización y derechos sociales: reflexionando en torno a la satisfacción del derecho a la educación en el marco del proceso de descentralización
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2015-07-01)Historically, fundamental rights have not been perceived in their totality with the same degree of enforceability. However, with the contributionsof both the doctrine and the jurisprudence, todayall fundamental rights, ... -
Contrabando tributario: el aporte de regulación y de cómo hacer pasar un impuesto como si fuera una contribución
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2015-07-01)¿Cuál es la lógica estatal para la creación de contribuciones? ¿Cuándo es que una contribución se desnaturaliza y pasa a ser, en los hechos, unimpuesto? ¿Para qué existe el aporte por regulación a diversas entidades ... -
La muerte de la buena fe registral
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2015-07-01)The article 2014 of the Civil Code has been recently modified. In order to make this decision, the legislator took in consideration two reasons: theaffirmation that the record entry doesn’t countswith its own substantivity, ... -
La obligación de los medios en la consolidación institucional del Estado Democrático Moderno
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2015-07-01)What role does the media fulfill in the current stage of Latin American democracy? In all cases, is the possibility of regulating the media incompatiblewith the freedom of speech and enterprise of thepeople who own it?In ... -
Apuntes sobre la evolución de los derechos sociales, económicos y culturales en el Perú y los alcances de su judiciabilidad
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2015-07-01)Are social, economic and cultural rights really enforceable rights? Is their nature different from those of the civil and political rights? What does our Constitution state on the matter? What is the posture that national ... -
Los vicios de la ley
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2015-07-01)All legislative acts shall have continuity in time. However, sometimes these acts contain defects that cause their unconstitutionality and the subsequent expulsion from the legal order. The important question that arises ... -
Un vistazo al Derecho Constitucional a través del Derecho Internacional. Entrevista a Juan José Ruda Santolaria
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2015-07-01)What is the normative status of a treaty in Peruvian domestic law? What would happen at theinternational level if the Peruvian ConstitutionalCourt declared a treaty to be unconstitutional? How to interpret Peruvian maritime ... -
Naturaleza jurídica del consentimiento de bienes jurídico-penales: un análisis a la luz de la Constitución
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2015-07-01)The Criminal Code exempts from criminal liabilityany person when they act with valid consent fromthe holder of the legal asset of free disposal. This exclusion of criminal responsibility raises multiplequestions.Which legal ... -
El derecho a la protección de los datos personales. Algunos temas relevantes de su regulación en el Perú
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2015-07-01)What guarantees do we have as titleholders of theright to personal data protection? Does the Political Constitution of 1993 truly protect this right in aproperly way? Which role does the relatively recentPeruvian Law on ... -
Regulación económica y países en vía de desarrollo: diálogo con Robert Baldwin
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2015-07-01)Regulation and regulatory agencies have aninfluence on the economy and on the legal system ofa country. In this context, which are the challengesof regulatory agencies in developing countries, forexample, Peru? ... -
¿Existe un aspecto regional en las políticas de crecimiento y desarrollo económico en la estructura actual de gobiernos autónomos?
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2015-07-01)En el contexto de la crisis financiera de los últimosaños, se ha dado una tendencia centralizadora queha dejado de lado la atribución de potestades a losGobiernos Regionales. El margen de intervencióneconómica de dichas ... -
Las decisiones inconstitucionales del Tribunal Constitucional
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2015-06-01)Can the decisions of a Constitutional Court or Supreme Court be unconstitutional? The answers found in the doctrine and even on constitutionalcase law are not uniform, becoming this question a controversial theme, although ... -
La emergencia... en el corazón del constitucionalismo peruano: paradojas, aporías y normalización
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2015-07-01)States of emergency haven’t been unconnected to Peruvian history. When the first Constitution was proclaimed, a regime of suspension of constitutional order was declared. Today, the normalization of this reality continues ... -
Por un fundamento ético-jurídico de la participación diferenciada de los pueblos indígenas en las decisiones estatales
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2015-07-01)Within the Latin American state Constitutions, is the establishment of prior consultation for theindigenous peoples legitimate? Does it represent away of imposition of the minority rights in front ofthe majority rights? ...