Estudio de caso de un niño de 5 años 6 meses con trastorno de lenguaje
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El lenguaje es un sistema de alta complejidad funcional, propia del ser humano, que exige una actividad
equilibrada y armónica de factores biológicos, psicológicos, sociales y ambientales, sin embargo, en un grupo
de niños se da una alteración en su adquisición y desarrollo, lo cual dificulta su capacidad de comunicación y
relación con su entorno. El objetivo del presente caso de estudio es diseñar un plan de evaluación e intervención
acorde a las necesidades que presenta un niño de 5 años 6 meses con trastorno de lenguaje. Esta condición
hace referencia al desarrollo deficiente de la comprensión y la utilización de un sistema de símbolos hablados,
afectando directamente a los componentes del lenguaje; el presente caso muestra un desfase en todos los
componentes del lenguaje con afectación en ambos procesos (expresivo y comprensivo) evidenciándose un
perfil lingüístico no esperado para su edad. Se sigue el modelo híbrido, centrado en las necesidades del niño y
la aplicación de estrategias en actividades lúdicas y significativas planteadas y dirigidas por el adulto. Los
resultados permiten ver un incremento del vocabulario comprensivo y expresivo en relación a las categorías
trabajadas, logros en el establecimiento de relaciones entre palabras a través de asociaciones, construcción de
oraciones simples en el orden correspondiente (SVO), así como mejorar la inteligibilidad de sus expresiones al
emitir palabras de 3 a 5 sílabas, respetando la metría de las mismas. Se concluye afirmando que el niño logró
avances significativos en los componentes léxico semántico, morfosintáctico y fonético fonológico.
Language is a system of high functional complexity, typical of the human being, which requires a balanced and harmonious activity of biological, psychological, social and environmental factors, however, in a group of children there is an alteration in its acquisition and development, which hinders their ability to communicate and relate to their environment. The objective of this case study is to design an evaluation and intervention plan according to the needs of a 5-year-6-month-old child with a language disorder. This condition refers to the deficient development of the understanding and use of a system of spoken symbols, directly affecting the components of language; the present case shows a lag in all language components with affectation in both processes (expressive and comprehensive), evidencing an unexpected linguistic profile for their age. The hybrid model is followed, focused on the needs of the child and the application of strategies in playful and meaningful activities proposed and directed by the adult. The results allow to see an increase in the comprehensive and expressive vocabulary in relation to the categories studied, achievements in the establishment of relationships between words through associations, construction of simple sentences in the corresponding order (SVO), as well as improve the intelligibility of their expressions when issuing words with 3 to 5 syllables, respecting their metrics. It is concluded by stating that the child made significant advances in the lexical semantic, morphosyntactic and phonetic phonological components.
Language is a system of high functional complexity, typical of the human being, which requires a balanced and harmonious activity of biological, psychological, social and environmental factors, however, in a group of children there is an alteration in its acquisition and development, which hinders their ability to communicate and relate to their environment. The objective of this case study is to design an evaluation and intervention plan according to the needs of a 5-year-6-month-old child with a language disorder. This condition refers to the deficient development of the understanding and use of a system of spoken symbols, directly affecting the components of language; the present case shows a lag in all language components with affectation in both processes (expressive and comprehensive), evidencing an unexpected linguistic profile for their age. The hybrid model is followed, focused on the needs of the child and the application of strategies in playful and meaningful activities proposed and directed by the adult. The results allow to see an increase in the comprehensive and expressive vocabulary in relation to the categories studied, achievements in the establishment of relationships between words through associations, construction of simple sentences in the corresponding order (SVO), as well as improve the intelligibility of their expressions when issuing words with 3 to 5 syllables, respecting their metrics. It is concluded by stating that the child made significant advances in the lexical semantic, morphosyntactic and phonetic phonological components.