Efecto de la estrategia de divisas carry trade sobre la asimetría de los retornos del tipo de cambio en la economía peruana durante el periodo 2007-2020
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Cáceres Vásquez, Mariana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El carry trade es una estrategia de divisas que consiste en financiarse en
monedas asociadas a bajas tasas de interés e invertir en monedas con tasas de
interés altas. Como lo demuestran varios trabajos, el carry trade es una
estrategia que puede depreciar abruptamente el tipo de cambio y perjudicar a
las monedas de inversión, que típicamente son monedas de países emergentes.
El sol al ser una moneda de alto riesgo es comúnmente usada como moneda de
inversión. La hipótesis central de esta investigación es que la actividad de carry
trade entre el dólar estadounidense y el sol, medida por la posición neta de
contratos non-deliverable forward de la banca local, genera una asimetría
negativa de los retornos del tipo de cambio, es decir, un crash risk o riesgo de
caída en el sol, durante el periodo 2007-2011. Para la investigación, se siguen
los trabajos de Brunnermeier et al. del 2009, Cox y Carreño del 2016 y el de
Gamboa-Estrada del 2017. Se toma la hipótesis y metodología del primer
trabajo. Sobre la base de estadísticos para cinco monedas se encuentra que la
paridad de tasas de interés no se cumple; el carry trade es una estrategia en
promedio rentable. Asimismo, se encuentra que hay evidencia de que el carry
trade entre el dólar estadounidense y el sol está asociado a un riesgo de caída
del sol.
The currency strategy carry trade consists of financing in currencies with low interest rates and investing in currencies with high interest rates. As several studies show, the carry trade is a strategy that can sharply depreciate the exchange rate and impact investment currencies, which are typically currencies of emerging countries. The Peruvian sol being a high risk currency is commonly used as an investment currency. The main hypothesis of this research is that the carry trade activity between the US dollar and the Peruvian sol, measured by the net position of non-deliverable forward contracts of local banks, generates a negative skewness of the exchange rate returns, is that is, a currency crash risk, during the period 2007-2011. For this research, the works of Brunnermeier et al. of 2009, Cox and Carreño of 2016 and Gamboa-Estrada of 2017 are used as a basis. The hypothesis and methodology of the first work are taken. On the basis of statistics for five currencies, it is found that the interest rate parity is not fulfilled; the carry trade is a profitable strategy on average. Likewise, it is found that there is evidence that the carry trade between the US dollar and the Peruvian sol shows a currency crash risk.
The currency strategy carry trade consists of financing in currencies with low interest rates and investing in currencies with high interest rates. As several studies show, the carry trade is a strategy that can sharply depreciate the exchange rate and impact investment currencies, which are typically currencies of emerging countries. The Peruvian sol being a high risk currency is commonly used as an investment currency. The main hypothesis of this research is that the carry trade activity between the US dollar and the Peruvian sol, measured by the net position of non-deliverable forward contracts of local banks, generates a negative skewness of the exchange rate returns, is that is, a currency crash risk, during the period 2007-2011. For this research, the works of Brunnermeier et al. of 2009, Cox and Carreño of 2016 and Gamboa-Estrada of 2017 are used as a basis. The hypothesis and methodology of the first work are taken. On the basis of statistics for five currencies, it is found that the interest rate parity is not fulfilled; the carry trade is a profitable strategy on average. Likewise, it is found that there is evidence that the carry trade between the US dollar and the Peruvian sol shows a currency crash risk.
Palabras clave
Tipo de cambio--Perú, Tasas de interés--Perú, Política monetaria--Perú
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