Una orquestación instrumental con la mediación de la calculadora gráfica para movilizar la noción de la función cuadrática en estudiantes de nivel secundario
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente investigación tiene por objetivo analizar cómo la Orquestación Instrumental
promueve que los estudiantes de primer año del Programa de Diploma del Bachillerato
Internacional movilicen la noción de función cuadrática al desarrollar una secuencia de
actividades en la que utilizan la calculadora de pantalla gráfica, para lo cual nos planteamos
la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿Cómo una Orquestación Instrumental, en la que la
calculadora gráfica es un mediador, promueve que estudiantes de primer año del Programa
de Diploma del Bachillerato Internacional movilicen la noción de función cuadrática?
Utilizamos aspectos de la Génesis Instrumental y la Orquestación Instrumental, como base
teórica y metodológica respectivamente. La secuencia de actividades de la investigación está
estructurada en dos momentos, los cuales permitieron que los estudiantes realicen esquemas
de acción instrumentada y esquemas de acción colectiva instrumentada. En el desarrollo de
las actividades, los estudiantes realizaron cambios en algunos elementos de la función
cuadrática para generar una transformación en su representación gráfica y, a partir de ello,
establecieron conjeturas sobre las traslaciones horizontales y verticales. Señalamos también
que utilizaron algunos comandos de la calculadora de pantalla gráfica, que les permitió
observar las trasformaciones del objeto representado, relacionar conocimientos y establecer
Finalmente, mediante la articulación de la Génesis y la Orquestación Instrumental, los
estudiantes establecieron conjeturas sobre las traslaciones de la función cuadrática al realizar
esquemas de acción colectiva instrumentada, un modo de ejecución y un desempeño
This research aims to analyse how the Instrumental Orchestration promotes that first-year students of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme mobilize the notion of quadratic function by executing a sequence of activities in which they use the graphing calculator. Therefore, we have decided to answer the following question: How does an Instrumental Orchestration, in which the graphing calculator is a tool, promote that first-year students of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme mobilize the notion of quadratic function? We use aspects of the Instrumental Genesis and the Instrumental Orchestration, as theoretical and methodological basis accordingly. The activity sequence of the research is organized in two times frames, which allowed students to make schemes of instrumented action and schemes of instrumented collective action. When carrying out the activities, the students made changes on some elements of the quadratic function to generate a transformation in its graphic representation, and based on that, they made conjectures on the horizontal and vertical translations. We also inform that students used some commands of the graphing calculator that allowed them to observe the transformations of the represented object, connect knowledges and make conjectures. Finally, through the articulation of the Instrumental Genesis and the Instrumental Orchestration, the students made conjectures on the translations of the quadratic function by making schemes of instrumented collective action, an execution mode and a didactic performance.
This research aims to analyse how the Instrumental Orchestration promotes that first-year students of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme mobilize the notion of quadratic function by executing a sequence of activities in which they use the graphing calculator. Therefore, we have decided to answer the following question: How does an Instrumental Orchestration, in which the graphing calculator is a tool, promote that first-year students of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme mobilize the notion of quadratic function? We use aspects of the Instrumental Genesis and the Instrumental Orchestration, as theoretical and methodological basis accordingly. The activity sequence of the research is organized in two times frames, which allowed students to make schemes of instrumented action and schemes of instrumented collective action. When carrying out the activities, the students made changes on some elements of the quadratic function to generate a transformation in its graphic representation, and based on that, they made conjectures on the horizontal and vertical translations. We also inform that students used some commands of the graphing calculator that allowed them to observe the transformations of the represented object, connect knowledges and make conjectures. Finally, through the articulation of the Instrumental Genesis and the Instrumental Orchestration, the students made conjectures on the translations of the quadratic function by making schemes of instrumented collective action, an execution mode and a didactic performance.
Palabras clave
Matemáticas--Estudio y enseñanza (Secundaria), Álgebra--Estudio y enseñanza (Secundaria), Educación secundaria, Matemáticas--Innovaciones tecnológicas
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