Estudio del uso del sentido del gusto como herramienta para la exploración de cualidades de movimiento innatas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Esta investigación surge de la danza contemporánea, y busca reflexionar en
torno a la utilización del sentido del gusto como herramienta, dentro de un
proceso de exploración, para investigar las cualidades de movimiento innatas en
seis estudiantes de la Facultad de Artes Escénicas de la Pontificia Universidad
Católica del Perú. De esta manera, la pregunta que se formula es la siguiente:
¿Por qué explorar con el sentido del gusto puede ser un recurso para investigar
cualidades de movimiento innatas que puedan llevar al creador/intérprete a un
lenguaje distintivo? Es a través del reconocimiento de las sensaciones que evoca
el alimento que uno podría desarrollar movimiento innato, ya que la activación
de nuestra percepción dentro del proceso de degustar y saborear, nos puede
permitir ser conscientes del movimiento con el que quizás no estamos
familiarizados corporalmente, pero que es nuestro. Para poder llevar a cabo la
investigación, se diseña un laboratorio que sirva como espacio de exploración e
investigación, en donde los participantes puedan utilizar el sentido del gusto
como un recurso guía para descubrir sus cualidades de movimiento. Para llevar
el registro del presente estudio, se utilizaron herramientas metodológicas como:
bitácoras, entrevistas, documentación a través de fotos, vídeos y grabaciones de
audios de los diálogos con los participantes.
This research arises from contemporary dance, and seeks to reflect on the use of the sense of taste as a tool, within a process of exploration, to investigate the innate qualities of movement in six students of the Faculty of Performing Arts of the Pontifical University Catholic of Peru. In this way, the question that is asked is the following: Why exploring with the sense of taste can be a resource to investigate innate qualities of movement that can lead the creator / interpreter to a distinctive language? It is through the recognition of the sensations that food evokes that someone could develop innate movement, since the activation of our perception within the process of tasting, can allow us to be aware of the movement which perhaps we are not familiarly in our bodies, but that is ours. In order to carry out the research, a laboratory is designed to serve as a space for exploration and research, where participants can use the sense of taste as a guiding resource to discover their qualities of movement. To keep track of the present study, methodological tools were used such as: logs, interviews, documentation through photos, videos and audio recordings of the dialogues with the participants.
This research arises from contemporary dance, and seeks to reflect on the use of the sense of taste as a tool, within a process of exploration, to investigate the innate qualities of movement in six students of the Faculty of Performing Arts of the Pontifical University Catholic of Peru. In this way, the question that is asked is the following: Why exploring with the sense of taste can be a resource to investigate innate qualities of movement that can lead the creator / interpreter to a distinctive language? It is through the recognition of the sensations that food evokes that someone could develop innate movement, since the activation of our perception within the process of tasting, can allow us to be aware of the movement which perhaps we are not familiarly in our bodies, but that is ours. In order to carry out the research, a laboratory is designed to serve as a space for exploration and research, where participants can use the sense of taste as a guiding resource to discover their qualities of movement. To keep track of the present study, methodological tools were used such as: logs, interviews, documentation through photos, videos and audio recordings of the dialogues with the participants.
Palabras clave
Gusto, Arte--Estudio y enseñanza, Danza--Estudio y enseñanza
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