Factores que influyen en la Implementación del servicio de Cuidado Diurno del Programa Nacional Cuna Mas para la mejora del desarrollo Nutricional de los niños y niñas menores de 3 años usuarios, en el Centro Poblado de Huascahura. Ayacucho 2013-2019
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente tesis tiene como propósito identificar los factores que influyen en la
implementación del Servicio de Cuidado Diurno del Programa Nacional Cuna Más, para la
mejora del desarrollo nutricional de niños y niñas menores de 3 años, usuarios del Centro
Poblado Huascahura – Ayacucho, durante el año 2013 al 2019. Para ello se analizó la
accesibilidad al Programa, en qué medida la alimentación que reciben los niños del centro
poblado de Huascahura han logrado mejorar su estado nutricional, el compromiso que
asumen las madres para mantener y contribuir con el estado nutricional de sus hijos y la
percepción de las madres acerca del servicio recibido, para ofrecer medidas de mejora. La
investigación realizada es un Estudio de Caso, de orden cualitativo y tuvo como unidad de
análisis a las autoridades comunales, familias usuarias, a los ex usuarios, madres
cuidadoras, trabajadores y personal de salud quienes intervienen o intervinieron en el
programa; la muestra fue significativa, el método de muestreo fue no probabilístico, por
juicio y conveniencia. Por ello el Programa Nacional Cuna Más , como otros programas
sociales implementados por el Estado enfocados en la niñez, mujer, adolescencia y adulto
mayor surgieron en respuesta a los altos índices de desnutrición y desatención que se
presenta en la zona rural y periurbana de nuestro país, debido a la presencia de pobreza
extrema en la que viven los pobladores, a ciertas características culturales y la persistencia
de algunos hábitos y costumbres que no favorecen la atención integral y especial que se
debe de otorgar a la primera infancia. Sin embargo, una de las dificultades, es la falta de
tratamiento del agua que consume el centro poblado, adecuada eliminación de excretas y
no existe un mercado de abastos donde la población acceda fácilmente a los alimentos. A
partir de ello la investigación realiza algunas sugerencias para que el involucramiento de
las autoridades comunales del Centro Poblado de Huascahura y las instituciones locales y
regionales de manera articulada realicen proyectos sostenibles en bien de la población
The purpose of this thesis is to identify the factors that influence the implementation of the Day Care Service of the National Cuna Mas Program, for the improvement of the nutritional development of children under 3 years of age, users of the Poblado Huascahura – Ayacucho, from 2013 to 2019. To this end, the accessibility of the Program was analyzed, to which the food that children receive in the populated center of Huascahura have managed to improve their nutritional status the commitment that mothers make to maintain and contribute to the nutritional status of their children and the perception of mothers about the service received, to offer measures of improvement. The research carried out is a case study, of a qualitative order and had as a unit of analysis the communal authorities, user families, former users, caregivermothers, health workers and staff who participated in or participated in the program; the sample was significant, the sampling method was nonprobabilistic, by judgment and convenience. For this reason, the National Cuna Mas Program, as other social programs implemented by the State focused on children, women, adolescents and the elderly, emerged in response to the high rates of malnutrition and neglect in rural areas and periurban of our country, due to the presence of extreme poverty in which the inhabitants live, certain cultural characteristics and the persistence of some habits and customs that do not favor the integral and special care that must be given to early childhood. However, one of the difficulties is the lack of treatment of the water consumed by the populated center, proper disposal of excreta and there is no supply market where the population easily accesses food. From this the research makes some suggestions so that the involvement of the communal authorities of the Huascahura Populated Center and local and regional institutions in an articulated way will carry out sustainable projects for the good of the populación.
The purpose of this thesis is to identify the factors that influence the implementation of the Day Care Service of the National Cuna Mas Program, for the improvement of the nutritional development of children under 3 years of age, users of the Poblado Huascahura – Ayacucho, from 2013 to 2019. To this end, the accessibility of the Program was analyzed, to which the food that children receive in the populated center of Huascahura have managed to improve their nutritional status the commitment that mothers make to maintain and contribute to the nutritional status of their children and the perception of mothers about the service received, to offer measures of improvement. The research carried out is a case study, of a qualitative order and had as a unit of analysis the communal authorities, user families, former users, caregivermothers, health workers and staff who participated in or participated in the program; the sample was significant, the sampling method was nonprobabilistic, by judgment and convenience. For this reason, the National Cuna Mas Program, as other social programs implemented by the State focused on children, women, adolescents and the elderly, emerged in response to the high rates of malnutrition and neglect in rural areas and periurban of our country, due to the presence of extreme poverty in which the inhabitants live, certain cultural characteristics and the persistence of some habits and customs that do not favor the integral and special care that must be given to early childhood. However, one of the difficulties is the lack of treatment of the water consumed by the populated center, proper disposal of excreta and there is no supply market where the population easily accesses food. From this the research makes some suggestions so that the involvement of the communal authorities of the Huascahura Populated Center and local and regional institutions in an articulated way will carry out sustainable projects for the good of the populación.
Palabras clave
Programa Nacional Cuna Más (Perú), Pobreza--Perú--Huascahura (Ayacucho : Pueblo), Políticas públicas--Perú--Huascahura (Ayacucho : Pueblo), Desnutrición infantil--Perú--Huascahura (Ayacucho : Pueblo), Huascahura (Ayacucho : Pueblo)--Condiciones sociales
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