Análisis de la estrategia de prevención y promoción frente a la violencia familiar y violencia contra la mujer con énfasis en la población de varones, implementada por el Programa Nacional Contra la Violencia Familiar y Sexual en los centros emergencia mujer de los distritos de Surco y La Molina
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables, a través del Programa Nacional
contra la Violencia Familiar y Sexual, es el ente rector para la erradicación de la violencia
familiar, y es en sus servicios especializados llamados Centros Emergencia Mujer (CEM),
donde se realizan acciones de prevención y promoción, siendo una de sus estrategias la
denominada “Involucrando a los varones en la prevención de la violencia de género”
mediante la formación de los Colectivos de Varones, que tiene como población objetivo
exclusivamente a los varones y se enfoca en la construcción de relaciones igualitarias y
libres de violencia.
Esta investigación analiza dicha estrategia desarrollada en los CEM “La Molina” y
“Surco”, evaluando la percepción y valoración de los diversos actores involucrados en la
estrategia, con una metodología cualitativa y un enfoque de tipo descriptivo -
exploratorio. Durante la investigación se entrevistó a funcionarios, especialistas,
promotores, representantes de los gobiernos locales, Sociedad civil y usuarios. Entre los
hallazgos se encontró que dicha estrategia es la única a nivel nacional que trabaja
exclusivamente con varones en la prevención de la violencia y se evidenció la valoración
positiva de la estrategia por parte de los diversos actores involucrados. Sin embargo,
también se encontró un escaso desarrollo del tema y de su abordaje en los programas
sociales en nuestro país, hallándose resistencia y desconfianza en sus resultados. Se
resalta la necesidad de una evaluación integral de la intervención que enfatice en aspectos
cualitativos como el trabajo desde las experiencias personales de los facilitadores para
reducir los sesgos en su intervención, así como la evaluación de los “costos” en los
promotores y responsables de la estrategia al aplicarlo en su vida cotidiana. El abordaje
de la estrategia aún se encuentra en una fase inicial, y se propone, desde el enfoque de la
Gerencia Social, la incorporación de indicadores de acción de difusión masiva, la
incorporación de acciones a nivel familiar con los usuarios y el monitoreo permanente a
lo largo de su implementación.
The Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables, through the Programa Nacional Contra la Violencia Familiar y Sexual, is the governing agency for the eradication of family violence, and it is in its specialized services called Centros Emegencia Mujer (CEM), where they are carried out prevention and promotion actions, one of its strategies being called "Involving men in the prevention of gender violence" through the formation of the Colectivos de Varones, whose target population is exclusively male and focuses on the building equal and violence-free relationships. This research analyzes this strategy developed in the CEM "La Molina" and "Surco", evaluating the perception and assessment of the various actors involved in the strategy, with a qualitative methodology and a descriptive - exploratory approach. During the investigation, officials, specialists, promoters, representatives of local governments, civil society and users were interviewed. Among the findings, it was found that this strategy is the only one at a national level that works exclusively with men in the prevention of violence and the positive assessment of the strategy was evidenced by the various actors involved. However, there was also a poor development of the topic and its approach in social programs in our country, finding resistance and distrust in their results. The need for a comprehensive assessment of the intervention that emphasizes qualitative aspects such as work from the personal experiences of the facilitators to reduce biases in their intervention, as well as the evaluation of the "costs" in the promoters and responsible for the strategy when applying it in your daily life. The approach of the strategy is still in an initial phase, and it is proposed, from the Social Management approach, the incorporation of action indicators of mass dissemination, the incorporation of family-level actions with users and the permanent monitoring of throughout its implementation.
The Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables, through the Programa Nacional Contra la Violencia Familiar y Sexual, is the governing agency for the eradication of family violence, and it is in its specialized services called Centros Emegencia Mujer (CEM), where they are carried out prevention and promotion actions, one of its strategies being called "Involving men in the prevention of gender violence" through the formation of the Colectivos de Varones, whose target population is exclusively male and focuses on the building equal and violence-free relationships. This research analyzes this strategy developed in the CEM "La Molina" and "Surco", evaluating the perception and assessment of the various actors involved in the strategy, with a qualitative methodology and a descriptive - exploratory approach. During the investigation, officials, specialists, promoters, representatives of local governments, civil society and users were interviewed. Among the findings, it was found that this strategy is the only one at a national level that works exclusively with men in the prevention of violence and the positive assessment of the strategy was evidenced by the various actors involved. However, there was also a poor development of the topic and its approach in social programs in our country, finding resistance and distrust in their results. The need for a comprehensive assessment of the intervention that emphasizes qualitative aspects such as work from the personal experiences of the facilitators to reduce biases in their intervention, as well as the evaluation of the "costs" in the promoters and responsible for the strategy when applying it in your daily life. The approach of the strategy is still in an initial phase, and it is proposed, from the Social Management approach, the incorporation of action indicators of mass dissemination, the incorporation of family-level actions with users and the permanent monitoring of throughout its implementation.
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