La capacidad de agencia de las organizaciones juveniles en el uso de mecanismos de accountability. El caso: “la despenalización de las relaciones sexuales consentidas con adolescentes (Perú - 2008-2013)”
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En Abril del 2006 el Congreso de la República aprobó la Ley 28704 que modificó el
artículo 173° del Código Penal, que tuvo por efecto la criminalización de todas las
relaciones sexuales con adolescentes, incluyendo las ejercidas de manera libre y
autónoma. En consecuencia, y sin proponérselo, la ley impuso graves obstáculos
para la provisión de información sobre salud sexual y reproductiva y la atención
médica de esta población vulnerable. En este contexto, cobra especial importancia
el esfuerzo de un grupo de jóvenes que de manera organizada, tomaron la decisión
de demandar ante el Tribunal Constitucional - TC, el reconocimiento de sus derechos sexuales y derechos reproductivos. Tras trece meses de movilización nacional, el 24 de enero de 2013 el Tribunal Constitucional publicó la sentencia que declara fundada la demanda y reconoce el derecho a la libertad sexual de los adolescentes. El fallo es un hito en materia de conquista de derechos sexuales; y el proceso, una muestra de la capacidad de agencia de los jóvenes en el uso de mecanismos de accountability para la defensa de los derechos sexuales y derechos reproductivos. La acción de inconstitucionalidad es una valiosa y exitosa experiencia de participación política ciudadana su análisis nos permite conocer los factores que determinan la capacidad de agencia de los jóvenes para el uso de mecanismos de accountability. La experiencia ha sido reconstruida a partir de la percepción y valoración de los entrevistados para este estudio, sus testimonios permitieron ahondar acerca del uso de la accountability vertical social y de su eficacia cuando participan las agencias estatales. Esta experiencia es una evidencia de que la articulación de los mecanismos de accountability vertical social y accountability horizontal permitió la solución de un problema público favoreciendo el ejercicio de la democracia.
In April 2006 the Peruvian Parliament passed the Law 28704, criminalizing sexual relations with adolescents. Consequently and also unintentionally, the law imposed serious obstacles to the availability of information concerning sexual and health education and care of this vulnerable sector of the population. In this context, the effort of a well-organized group of young people, who made the decision to claim their rights before the Constitutional Court - TC, is very important. After thirteen months of large groups of young people to go into the street and demand loudly their sexual rights, the Constitutional Court pronounced a judgement which declared the civic demand as justified and which recognized the right of adolescents to freedom of sexual relationships. This case represents a milestone in the history of the struggle of sexual rights and the process is an example of the political capability of the youth with respect to the use of the mechanisms of accountability in the defence of sexual and reproductive rights. The process has been reconstructed on the basis of the understanding and evaluation of those interviewed for this study. Their testimonies allow a deeper penetration into the use of vertical social accountability and its effectiveness when state agencies are involved. This experience is evidence that the articulation of vertical social accountability and horizontal accountability make way for the solution of a public problem and that its practice strengthens democracy.
In April 2006 the Peruvian Parliament passed the Law 28704, criminalizing sexual relations with adolescents. Consequently and also unintentionally, the law imposed serious obstacles to the availability of information concerning sexual and health education and care of this vulnerable sector of the population. In this context, the effort of a well-organized group of young people, who made the decision to claim their rights before the Constitutional Court - TC, is very important. After thirteen months of large groups of young people to go into the street and demand loudly their sexual rights, the Constitutional Court pronounced a judgement which declared the civic demand as justified and which recognized the right of adolescents to freedom of sexual relationships. This case represents a milestone in the history of the struggle of sexual rights and the process is an example of the political capability of the youth with respect to the use of the mechanisms of accountability in the defence of sexual and reproductive rights. The process has been reconstructed on the basis of the understanding and evaluation of those interviewed for this study. Their testimonies allow a deeper penetration into the use of vertical social accountability and its effectiveness when state agencies are involved. This experience is evidence that the articulation of vertical social accountability and horizontal accountability make way for the solution of a public problem and that its practice strengthens democracy.
Palabras clave
Juventud--Actividad política--Perú, Adolescentes--Condición jurídica, leyes, etc.--Perú, Derechos reproductivos--Perú, Derechos sexuales--Perú
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