"Estudio de caso: factores determinantes en el cumplimiento de corresponsabilidades en salud y las suspensiones a usuarias del Programa Juntos en el distrito de Vinchos - Región Ayacucho - Período 2011 al 2013"
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En el presente documento se presentan los resultados del estudio de caso
realizado para la obtención del grado de Magíster en Gerencia Social en la Escuela
de Graduados de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
El objetivo del estudio se centra en conocer y analizar, los factores que inciden en
el cumplimiento de las corresponsabilidades en salud y en las suspensiones a las
usuarias del Programa Juntos del distrito de Vinchos, en el periodo del 2011 al
La preocupación a nivel de los objetivos planteados responde a la búsqueda de
causas que originaron las suspensiones en las usuarias, en vista que, en el
periodo que comprende el estudio se ha evidenciado un incremento significativo
en las suspensiones por no cumplir con el compromiso corresponsabilidad en
salud, donde de 19 usuarias en el 2011 paso a 134 usuarias en el 2013, situación
que ha generó las suspensiones, lo que contravienen a los lineamientos y
objetivos de la política de inclusión social que promueve el Estado, para lo cual,
se realizó un análisis amplio de factores externos e internos (endógenos y
exógenos) al Programa Juntos que motivan este problema, a fin de establecer
conclusiones sobre las dificultades, estrategias y propuestas, dentro de las
acciones operativas del programa.
El deseo del presente estudio es brindar los aportes necesarios a partir del análisis
efectuado, a fin de que la dirección y las unidades territoriales del Programa Juntos
tomen acciones internas y de coordinaciones externas para mejorar el
cumplimiento de corresponsabilidades y de esa forma facilitar la inclusión social,
en el marco de los objetivos de las políticas sociales del Estado.
La investigación, se ha enmarcado mayormente en la metodología cualitativa
(mediante entrevistas a personal de salud, usuarios y gestores del programa,
autoridades y dirigentes comunales; historia de vida, testimonios de usuarias;
observaciones a los actores locales del Programa Juntos; revisión documental
acuerdos, actas, fichas de seguimiento etc.), complementariamente también se ha
recurrido a la metodología cuantitativa, a fin de conocer las características
socio económicos y el contexto cultural en el que se desenvuelve las usuarias del
programa, para ello se ha trabajado con una muestra representativa de 129
Los resultados de la investigación muestran que, a nivel de la oferta de servicios
en salud la infraestructura no es un factor de incidencia en el cumplimiento de las
corresponsabilidades en las usuarias del Programa Juntos. Aunque genera cierta
incomodidad la falta de espacio, durante los periodos programados para realizar
las consultas en CRED, de igual forma el estudio concluye que existen dificultades
con algunos equipos, por la obsolescencia o desgaste; sin embargo, esto no tienen
incidencia en el cumplimiento de las corresponsabilidades de las usuarias del
Programa Juntos.
Por otra parte, en los establecimientos se ha constatado la existencia de brechas
en relación con el número de personal para la atención en el módulo CRED,
aunque este factor no tiene incidencia en el cumplimiento de las
corresponsabilidades, pero si genera sobrecarga laboral al personal de salud, que
se refleja en los bajos rendimientos en la atención en hora/paciente del niño y de
la madre, hecho que genera malestar debido a las largas horas de espera.
Del análisis de los factores endógenos asociados al cumplimiento de las
corresponsabilidades; existen debilidades en la sistematización y registro de datos
en el sistema intranet del Programa Juntos, el cual induce a errores involuntarios
que generan suspensiones indebidas a las usuarias, de igual forma, no se realiza
un adecuado filtro de información entre el Programa Juntos y el sistema integral
de salud (SIS), también se ha constatado que el retraso de información es uno de
los factores que incide en las suspensiones involuntarias a usuarias.
Del análisis de los factores exógenos asociados al cumplimiento de las
corresponsabilidades en salud, el estudio muestra que el bajo nivel educativo y las
labores agropecuarias de las usuarias si tiene incidencia en las suspensiones. De
igual forma el estudio evidencia la existencia de poca articulación entre los actores
representativos del distrito, sea por desconocimiento o desinterés, no participan
en los problemas generados por las suspensiones a usuarias en el Programa
This paper presents the results of the case study carried out to obtain a Master's degree in Social Management from the Graduate School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. The objective of the study is to find out and analyze the factors that affect compliance with health co-responsibilities and suspensions for users of the Vinchos District Juntos Program in the period from 2011 to 2013. The concern at the level of the proposed objectives responds to the search for causes that caused the suspensions in the users, since, in the period that the study includes, there has been a significant increase in the suspensions for not complying with the commitment responsibility in Health, where from 19 users in 2011 there were 134 users, a situation that has generated suspensions, which contravene the guidelines and objectives of the policy of social inclusion promoted by the State, for which a broad analysis of external and internal factors (endogenous and exogenous) to the Juntos Program that motivate this problem, in order to draw conclusions about the difficulties, strategies and proposals, within the operational actions of the program. The aim of this study is to provide the necessary inputs from the analysis carried out, so that the management and territorial units of the Joint Program take internal actions and external coordination to improve compliance with co- responsibilities and thus facilitate social inclusion, within the framework of the objectives of the social policies of the State. The research has been largely framed in qualitative methodology (through interviews with health personnel, users and managers of the program, authorities and community leaders, life history, testimonies of users, observations to the local actors of the Juntos Program, document review agreements , Minutes, fact sheets, etc.), the quantitative methodology has also been used, in order to know the socioeconomic characteristics and the cultural context in which the users of the program are developed. For this, we have worked with a representative sample of 129 users. The research results show that, at the level of health service provision, infrastructure is not a factor of incidence in the fulfillment of joint responsibilities in the users of the Juntos Program. Although the lack of space generates some discomfort, during the periods scheduled to carry out the consultations in CRED, the study concludes that there are difficulties with some equipment, due to obsolescence or wear; However, this does not have an impact on the fulfillment of the co-responsibilities of the users of the Juntos Program. On the other hand, in establishments it has been verified the existence of gaps in relation to the number of personnel for the attention in the module CRED, although this factor does not have incidence in the fulfillment of the corresponsibilities, but if it generates work overload to the personnel of Health, which is reflected in the poor performance of the child / mother's time / patient care, a fact that causes discomfort due to the long hours of waiting. From the analysis of the endogenous factors associated to the fulfillment of the coresponsibilities; There are weaknesses in the systematization and recording of data in the Intranet system of the Juntos Program, which induces involuntary errors that generate undue suspensions to the users, likewise, an adequate information filter is not made between the Juntos Program and the system (SIS), it has also been found that delayed information is one of the factors that affects involuntary suspensions of users. From the analysis of the exogenous factors associated to compliance with health co-responsibilities, the study shows that the low level of education and the agricultural work of the users if it has an impact on the suspensions. Likewise, the study evidences the existence of little articulation between the representative actors of the district, either through ignorance or disinterest, not participating in the problems generated by the suspensions to users in the Juntos Program.
This paper presents the results of the case study carried out to obtain a Master's degree in Social Management from the Graduate School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. The objective of the study is to find out and analyze the factors that affect compliance with health co-responsibilities and suspensions for users of the Vinchos District Juntos Program in the period from 2011 to 2013. The concern at the level of the proposed objectives responds to the search for causes that caused the suspensions in the users, since, in the period that the study includes, there has been a significant increase in the suspensions for not complying with the commitment responsibility in Health, where from 19 users in 2011 there were 134 users, a situation that has generated suspensions, which contravene the guidelines and objectives of the policy of social inclusion promoted by the State, for which a broad analysis of external and internal factors (endogenous and exogenous) to the Juntos Program that motivate this problem, in order to draw conclusions about the difficulties, strategies and proposals, within the operational actions of the program. The aim of this study is to provide the necessary inputs from the analysis carried out, so that the management and territorial units of the Joint Program take internal actions and external coordination to improve compliance with co- responsibilities and thus facilitate social inclusion, within the framework of the objectives of the social policies of the State. The research has been largely framed in qualitative methodology (through interviews with health personnel, users and managers of the program, authorities and community leaders, life history, testimonies of users, observations to the local actors of the Juntos Program, document review agreements , Minutes, fact sheets, etc.), the quantitative methodology has also been used, in order to know the socioeconomic characteristics and the cultural context in which the users of the program are developed. For this, we have worked with a representative sample of 129 users. The research results show that, at the level of health service provision, infrastructure is not a factor of incidence in the fulfillment of joint responsibilities in the users of the Juntos Program. Although the lack of space generates some discomfort, during the periods scheduled to carry out the consultations in CRED, the study concludes that there are difficulties with some equipment, due to obsolescence or wear; However, this does not have an impact on the fulfillment of the co-responsibilities of the users of the Juntos Program. On the other hand, in establishments it has been verified the existence of gaps in relation to the number of personnel for the attention in the module CRED, although this factor does not have incidence in the fulfillment of the corresponsibilities, but if it generates work overload to the personnel of Health, which is reflected in the poor performance of the child / mother's time / patient care, a fact that causes discomfort due to the long hours of waiting. From the analysis of the endogenous factors associated to the fulfillment of the coresponsibilities; There are weaknesses in the systematization and recording of data in the Intranet system of the Juntos Program, which induces involuntary errors that generate undue suspensions to the users, likewise, an adequate information filter is not made between the Juntos Program and the system (SIS), it has also been found that delayed information is one of the factors that affects involuntary suspensions of users. From the analysis of the exogenous factors associated to compliance with health co-responsibilities, the study shows that the low level of education and the agricultural work of the users if it has an impact on the suspensions. Likewise, the study evidences the existence of little articulation between the representative actors of the district, either through ignorance or disinterest, not participating in the problems generated by the suspensions to users in the Juntos Program.
Palabras clave
Programas sociales--Perú--Estudio de casos, Inclusión social--Perú, Programa JUNTOS--Perú
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