Creencias sobre demostración matemática de docentes de matemática de educación secundaria
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por objetivo analizar las creencias sobre
demostración matemática que poseen profesores de Educación Secundaria. Para alcanzar este
objetivo desarrollamos la investigación con doce profesores de Matemática de colegios de
secundaria de distintas ciudades del Perú, que cursan una maestría en una universidad privada.
Nos basamos en Reid & Knipping, Godino y Recio, Hersh, Stylianides, de Villiers, Hanna,
entro otros como marco teórico y en Martínez, Ponte, Hernández, Fernández & Baptista y
Andrade entre otros como marco metodológico. En cuanto a la metodología del estudio de
casos, los datos son obtenidos por medio de entrevistas semiestructuradas en dos etapas. En la
primera etapa las entrevistas con preguntas abiertas sobre las demostraciones matemáticas, su
importancia y roles en la enseñanza en la educación secundaria y la segunda etapa con
preguntas cerradas sobre la evaluación de argumentos que demuestran tareas específicas, con
el fin de analizar sus coincidencias o contradicciones en ambas etapas. Observamos que los
docentes expresan significados sobre la demostración matemática diferentes a los expresados
cuando valoran argumentos demostrativos. Finalmente los docentes reconocen algunos de los
roles que desempeña la demostración matemática en su trabajo de enseñanza en la escuela.
This research aims to analyze beliefs about mathematical proof that middle and high school teachers have. To achieve this objective we develop research with twelve high school mathematics teachers from different cities of Peru who are pursuing a master's degree in a private university. We rely on Reid & Knipping, Godino and Recio, Hersh, Stylianides, de Villiers and Hanna, among others as a theoretical framework and Martinez, Ponte, Hernandez Fernandez & Baptista and Andrade among others as a methodological framework. As for the study of the methodology cases, data is obtained through semi-structured interviews in two stages. In the first stage, the interview consists of open questions about mathematical proofs, its importance and role in middle and high school teaching. The second stage consists of closed questions on the evaluation of arguments that demonstrate specific tasks, in order to analyze their similarities or contradictions in both stages. We also noted that teachers express different meanings about mathematical proof than when they‟re assessing the demonstrated arguments. Finally teachers recognize some of the roles played by mathematical proof in their teaching job at the school.
This research aims to analyze beliefs about mathematical proof that middle and high school teachers have. To achieve this objective we develop research with twelve high school mathematics teachers from different cities of Peru who are pursuing a master's degree in a private university. We rely on Reid & Knipping, Godino and Recio, Hersh, Stylianides, de Villiers and Hanna, among others as a theoretical framework and Martinez, Ponte, Hernandez Fernandez & Baptista and Andrade among others as a methodological framework. As for the study of the methodology cases, data is obtained through semi-structured interviews in two stages. In the first stage, the interview consists of open questions about mathematical proofs, its importance and role in middle and high school teaching. The second stage consists of closed questions on the evaluation of arguments that demonstrate specific tasks, in order to analyze their similarities or contradictions in both stages. We also noted that teachers express different meanings about mathematical proof than when they‟re assessing the demonstrated arguments. Finally teachers recognize some of the roles played by mathematical proof in their teaching job at the school.
Palabras clave
Matemáticas--Estudio y enseñanza (Secundaria)., Personal docente., Educación secundaria--Investigaciones.
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